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How can I store a Python Enum using Pony ORM?

Say I've got this simple little Pony ORM mapping here. The built-in Enum class is new as of Python 3.4, and backported to 2.7.

from enum import Enum

from pony.orm import Database, Required

class State(Enum):
    ready = 0
    running = 1
    errored = 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = Database('sqlite', ':memory:', create_db=True)

    class StateTable(db.Entity):
        state = Required(State)


When I run the program, an error is thrown.

TypeError: No database converter found for type <enum 'State'>

This happens because Pony doesn't support mapping the enum type. Of course, the workaround here is to just store the Enum value, and provide a getter in Class StateTable to convert the value to the Enum once again. But this is tedious and error prone. I can also just use another ORM. Maybe I will if this issue becomes too much of a headache. But I would rather stick with Pony if I can.

I would much rather create a database converter to store the enum, like the error message is hinting at. Does anyone know how to do this?

UPDATE: Thanks to Ethan's help, I have come up with the following solution.

from enum import Enum

from pony.orm import Database, Required, db_session
from pony.orm.dbapiprovider import StrConverter

class State(Enum):
    ready = 0
    running = 1
    errored = 2

class EnumConverter(StrConverter):

    def validate(self, val):
        if not isinstance(val, Enum):
            raise ValueError('Must be an Enum.  Got {}'.format(type(val)))
        return val

    def py2sql(self, val):
        return val.name

    def sql2py(self, value):
        # Any enum type can be used, so py_type ensures the correct one is used to create the enum instance
        return self.py_type[value]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = Database('sqlite', ':memory:', create_db=True)

    # Register the type converter with the database
    db.provider.converter_classes.append((Enum, EnumConverter))

    class StateTable(db.Entity):
        state = Required(State)


    with db_session:
        s = StateTable(state=State.ready)
        print('Got {} from db'.format(s.state))
like image 216
zalpha314 Avatar asked Jul 14 '15 00:07


1 Answers

Excerpt from some random mailing list:


Each converter class should define the following methods:

class MySpecificConverter(Converter):

    def init(self, kwargs):
        # Override this method to process additional positional
        # and keyword arguments of the attribute

       if self.attr is not None:
            # self.attr.args can be analyzed here
            self.args = self.attr.args

        self.my_optional_argument = kwargs.pop("kwarg_name")
        # You should take all valid options from this kwargs
        # What is left in is regarded as unrecognized option

    def validate(self, val):
        # convert value to the necessary type (e.g. from string)
        # validate all necessary constraints (e.g. min/max bounds)
        return val

    def py2sql(self, val):
        # prepare the value (if necessary) to storing in the database
        return val

    def sql2py(self, value):
        # convert value (if necessary) after the reading from the db
        return val

    def sql_type(self):
        # generate corresponding SQL type, based on attribute options

You can study the code of the existing converters to see how these methods are implemented.

like image 95
Ethan Furman Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Ethan Furman