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How can I stop the WCF test client from opening when I start debugging?

I realize that I can just make sure I don't have the service open in my active window when I start debugging, but that's a little annoying. It seems like there's got to be some setting in VS2010 somewhere to turn this off.

For anyone who asks "why would you want to turn it off?", it's because the service is using both SOAP and ReST. I test ReST in browser or in Fiddler and test SOAP in SOAPUI, and really don't have a need for it.


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Mike Pennington Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 23:11

Mike Pennington

2 Answers

This is particularly frustrating. I am running VS2010, and cannot locate Properties/Debug tab as most posts reference. However, if you

  1. Right-click Unload Project
  2. Right-click Edit
  3. Find EnableWcfTestClientForSVCDefaultValue and set its value to False

  4. Save, and right-click Reload Project

Should work.

Not sure why this version of VS2010 does not display Debug tab.

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johnny g Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

johnny g

Select Menu-><Project Name> Properties.

In the properties window, click on the "Debug" tab in the left hand column. In the Start Options section in the Command Line Arguments box, you should see the following:


Remove that and save the changes.

You might want to also uncheck the "Start WCF Service Host when debugging another project in the same solution" checkbox in the WCF Options tab.

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Tim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
