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How can I stay tab-free in Geany on Ubuntu?

How can I stay tab free in Geany on Ubuntu?

When I am coding in Python, tabs have always annoyed me. And the TAB is invisible. So strange.

When I open my code by gedit, those TABs are visible.

like image 741
Josh Morrison Avatar asked Mar 13 '11 06:03

Josh Morrison

People also ask

What is geany Ubuntu?

Geany is a fast and lightweight IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It can run easily on both gnome and kde as it needs only GTK2 Runtime librarys. As well as running on various WM's within Ubuntu it is also known to run under many different distributions and operating systems.

1 Answers

You are looking for 'soft tabs'


Edit > Preferences > Editor > Indentation > Type > Spaces

After changing the setting, close and reopen the file.

To apply the tab settings to every document in the current session, also click:
Project->Apply Default.

like image 117
dting Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
