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How can I stack editors vertically in Xcode 11?




The option to stack editors in Xcode 11 has been moved to Editor-Layout in the menu. However the three options Automatic/Editor on Left/Editor on Top are greyed out. How can I unlock this to arrange editors in a vertical stack?

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alionthego Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 09:03


1 Answers

TL;DR: In the top bar menu under View, click Change Editor Orientation.

  • Option #1: In the top bar menu under View, click Change Editor Orientation.
  • Option #2: In the File Navigator, press Command + Option + Control + T to open the currently highlighted file in an editor below the currently active editor. This orientation switches to horizontal if the Change Editor Orientation option was set.
  • Option #3: At the Open Quickly prompt (accessible by pressing Command + Shift + O), search for a file without pressing Return and, when a file is highlighted, press Option + Shift + Return. Use the arrow keys to specify where the new editor should be located.
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sebastianfrelle Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 06:03
