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How can I sort a data.frame with only one column, without losing rownames?

data = c(1,2,3,4)
names = c("foo", "bar", "baz", "yak")
d = data.frame(data, row.names=names)

This returns:

foo    1
bar    2
baz    3
yak    4

Now, I'd like to sort this dataframe by the column, without losing the row names attached. So, my result would be:

yak    4
baz    3
bar    2
foo    1

I've already tried the following:

  • d[order(-d$data),], which of course only gives me the one-dimensional list.

  • arrange(d, desc(data)) from the plyr package, which drops the row names.

  • Find out the order with o = order(-d$data), then reconstruct the frame with

    data.frame(d[o,], row.names=rownames(d)[o])

    … which still leaves me with the wrong column name.

Is there any sane way to do this?

like image 355
slhck Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 11:10


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1 Answers

You were close with your first attempt, just forgot about using drop = FALSE:

> d[order(-d$data), , drop = FALSE]     data yak    4 baz    3 bar    2 foo    1 
like image 175
flodel Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
