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How can I set VM options in a Java Netbeans Platform Modular Project?

I have a Netbeans Platform modular project, not a regular Java project. I want to set VM options to increase memory, but under the "properties" dialog, there is no way to do this for a modular Netbeans platform project. This has cost me huge amounts of time and I still have not found a good way to set the VM args.

Does anyone know how to set VM args using a Netbeans platform modular project, when compiling and running the program in Netbeans 7? Given the amount of trouble, I am almost ready to give up on Netbeans to create modular applications.

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Makoto Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 07:07


2 Answers

It is quite easy, in fact. Just modify project.properties file to include the following line:



Of course, you can include any other JVM options there.


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JB- Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


I was finally able to solve this based on information at https://web.archive.org/web/20130830023832/http://activeintelligence.org/blog/archive/gephi-increasing-xmx-memory-in-netbeans/

What I did was modify the project.properties file, as JB said, but the correct way to do it was to add a -J before the args. E.g.,

run.args.extra=-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx756m

That did it! Not sure why it took 3 months to figure that out. Definitely a fail for the Netbeans documentation. They should really make this editable from the properties menu instead of making users hunt through nondescript config files!

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Makoto Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
