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How can I set the WiX installer version to the current build version?





People also ask

What is the current version of WiX?

Additionally, it can create complex setup bundles that handle dependencies and prerequisites, ensuring that your code has everything it needs to run once installed. The current stable release of WiX is Version 3.11. 2, which has been available since 2019.

How does WiX Installer work?

The WiX tools follow the traditional compile and link model used to create executables from source code. At build time, the WiX source files are validated against the core WiX schema, then processed by a preprocessor, compiler, and linker to create the final result.

How do I run as administrator in WiX Installer?

Setup tab > Run after execution input: your msi file name. Advanced tab > Mark Request Administrative access option checkbox.

You could use Product/@Version="!(bind.FileVersion.FileId)" (replace FileId with the Id of the file from which you'd like to get the version number) and light.exe will populate the value with the version of the file referenced by the FileId.

I did this in one of my projects by writing a preprocessor extension to read the file version from my executable. So the WiX file looks something like:

<?define ProductName="$(fileVersion.ProductName($(var.MyApp.TargetPath)))" ?>
<?define CompanyName="$(fileVersion.CompanyName($(var.MyApp.TargetPath)))" ?>
<?define ProductVersion="$(fileVersion.ProductVersion($(var.MyApp.TargetPath)))" ?>
    Id="<product ID>" 
    UpgradeCode="<upgrade code>">

I've posted the code for in on CodePlex: http://wixfileversionext.codeplex.com/

In case someone is looking for an actual XML example, this works with .NET assemblies (and you don't have to do the Assembly or KeyPath attributes). I eliminated unrelated code with [...] place holders:

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
    <Product [...] Version="!(bind.fileVersion.MyDLL)">
        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
                <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="MyDLLInstallLocation">
                    <Component Id="MainLib" Guid="[...]">
                        <File Id="MyDLL" Name="MyDll.dll" Source="MyDll.dll" />

Here's a very simple way to get your Bootstrapper Bundle Version to match your MyApp AssemblyVersion using a BeforeBuild Target and DefineConstants.


<Bundle Name="$(var.ProductName) Bootstrapper v$(var.BuildVersion)"


<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
  <GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="..\MyApp\bin\$(Configuration)\MyApp.exe">
    <Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyVersion" />