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How can I set the default sort order on the primeng datatable?

I am using the prime-ng dataTable component to display a list of users. I would like this list to be sorted by the first column descending by default and have the dataTable display the first column as sorted.

 <p-dataTable [value]="webUserSummaryList" [rows]="10"  reorderableColumns="true">
    <p-column field="userName" header="Username" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
    <p-column field="emailAddress" header="Email" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
    <p-column field="firstName" header="First Name" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
    <p-column field="lastName" header="Last Name" [filter]="true" filterMatchMode="contains" [sortable]="true"></p-column>

Edit: I have figured out one way to set the default sort column is to use sortField="userName". However, I still can't get the column to default to descending order.

like image 957
Heather92065 Avatar asked May 25 '16 20:05


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2 Answers

I figured it out. These two attributes should be added:

sortField="userName" [sortOrder]="-1"

The sortField matches the column name and the sortOrder can be either 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.

Here's the working solution:

<p-dataTable [value]="webUserSummaryList" [rows]="10"  reorderableColumns="true" sortField="userName" sortOrder="-1">
<p-column field="userName" header="Username" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
<p-column field="emailAddress" header="Email" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
<p-column field="firstName" header="First Name" [filter]="true" [sortable]="true"></p-column>
<p-column field="lastName" header="Last Name" [filter]="true" filterMatchMode="contains" [sortable]="true"></p-column>

like image 143
Heather92065 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10


If you sort on multiple columns, you can parameter the initial sorting with (working on deprecated DataTable and on the current PrimeNG Table Component):

[multiSortMeta]="[{field: 'state', order: -1}, {field: 'displayName', order: 1}]"

Example with Table component (PrimeNG 7+):

<p-table [value]="products2" sortMode="multiple" [multiSortMeta]="[{field: 'code', order: -1}, {field: 'name', order: 1}, {field: 'category', order: -1}]">
  <ng-template pTemplate="header">
      <th pSortableColumn="code">Code <p-sortIcon field="code"></p-sortIcon></th>
      <th pSortableColumn="name">Name <p-sortIcon field="name"></p-sortIcon></th>
      <th pSortableColumn="category">Category <p-sortIcon field="category"></p-sortIcon></th>
      <th pSortableColumn="quantity">Quantity <p-sortIcon field="quantity"></p-sortIcon></th>
      <th pSortableColumn="price">Price <p-sortIcon field="price"></p-sortIcon></th>
  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-product>
      <td>{{product.price | currency: 'USD'}}</td>
like image 41
Bob Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10
