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How can I set the browser window size when using `google-chrome --headless`?

I tried setting the browser size on Chrome --headless by using Selenium WebDriver commands.

I get this WebDriver error:

      - Failed: unknown error: cannot get automation extension from unknown error: page could not be found: chrome-extension://aapnijgdinlhnhlmodcfapnahmbfebeb/_generated_background_page.html   (Session info: headless chrome=58.0.3029.81)   (Driver info: chromedriver=2.29.461571 (8a88bbe0775e2a23afda0ceaf2ef7ee74e822cc5),platform=Linux 4.4.0-72-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 10.07 seconds Build info: version: '3.3.1', revision: '5234b32', time: '2017-03-10 09:04:52 -0800' System info: host: '826f6a766112', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.4.0-72-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_121' Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver Capabilities [{applicationCacheEnabled=false, rotatable=false, mobileEmulationEnabled=false, networkConnectionEnabled=false, chrome={chromedriverVersion=2.29.461571 (8a88bbe0775e2a23afda0ceaf2ef7ee74e822cc5), userDataDir=/tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.cuymDL}, takesHeapSnapshot=true, pageLoadStrategy=normal, databaseEnabled=false, handlesAlerts=true, hasTouchScreen=false, version=58.0.3029.81, platform=LINUX, browserConnectionEnabled=false, nativeEvents=true, acceptSslCerts=true, locationContextEnabled=true, webStorageEnabled=true, browserName=chrome, takesScreenshot=true, javascriptEnabled=true, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, unexpectedAlertBehaviour=}] Session ID: 9569e5ebd8f7540ce510b20647443baf 
like image 947
Leo Gallucci Avatar asked Apr 21 '17 11:04

Leo Gallucci

People also ask

How do I change my browser window to a specific size?

* Press Alt+Space to bring up the window menu, press S to choose the Size option, use the arrow keys to resize the window, and lastly Enter to confirm. * Click the Maximize button in the top right corner of the window.

What is difference between Chrome and Chrome headless?

Headless mode is a functionality that allows the execution of a full version of the latest Chrome browser while controlling it programmatically. It can be used on servers without dedicated graphics or display, meaning that it runs without its “head”, the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

How does Selenium Webdriver maximize Chrome window?

To maximize browser in Selenium, you need to call the maximize() Selenium command to maximize window interface of the driver class. void maximize() – This method is used to maximize the current browser.

1 Answers

I found it. Simply pass the --window-size command line argument to Google Chrome, for example --window-size=1920,1080.

In a Protractor configuration this would look like this:

capabilities: {     browserName: 'chrome',     chromeOptions: {         args: ['headless', 'window-size=1920,1080']     } } 

The cool thing is that the windows size is not limited to the current display. It is truly headless, meaning it can be as large as needed for the tests.

Java code:


I expand a bit more on this in Headless protractor not sharding tests.

like image 140
Leo Gallucci Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Leo Gallucci