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How can I run only one test from a suite?

I have this test class below, and I want to run only one test from it, for example the "aboutPage". Any ideas how?

This is how I run only this file:

codecept run tests/acceptance/VisitorCest.php 

But now I want to run only one test from the file.

<?php use \AcceptanceTester;  class VisitorCest {     public function _before(){}     public function _after(){}      public function aboutPage(AcceptanceTester $I)     {         $I->wantTo('check about page');     }      public function contactPage(AcceptanceTester $I)     {          $I->wantTo('check contact page');     } } 
like image 471
Tzook Bar Noy Avatar asked Aug 01 '14 06:08

Tzook Bar Noy

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2 Answers

You simply append a colon and the function name, like this:

codecept run tests/acceptance/VisitorCest.php:myTestName 

or a shorter version:

codecept run acceptance VisitorCest:myTestName 

(Notice the space between the suite-name and the file-name.)

like image 83
Tzook Bar Noy Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Tzook Bar Noy

this is what works:

codecept run {suite-name} {file-name}.php:{function-name}

notice the space between the suite-name and the file-name

like image 24
Mahmoud Zalt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Mahmoud Zalt