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How can I run commands in a running container in AWS ECS using Fargate


If I am running container in AWS ECS using EC2, then I can access running container and execute any command.

ie. docker exec -it <containerid> <command>

How can I run commands in the running container or access container in AWS ECS using Fargate?

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Nitin Avatar asked Jul 28 '18 11:07


People also ask

How do I enable execute command in ECS?

Enabling ECS Exec for your tasks and services You can enable the ECS Exec feature for your services and standalone tasks by specifying the --enable-execute-command flag when using one of the following AWS CLI commands: create-service , update-service , start-task , or run-task .

Can you SSH into fargate container?

I can confirm, yes you can SSH into a Fargate container by running sshd and properly configuring the security group.

Can fargate run Windows containers?

Windows containers are supported for tasks that use the EC2 and Fargate launch types. Windows containers and container instances can't support all the task definition parameters that are available for Linux containers and container instances.

2 Answers

Update(16 March, 2021):

AWS announced a new feature called ECS Exec which provides the ability to exec into a running container on Fargate or even those running on EC2. This feature makes use of AWS Systems Manager(SSM) to establish a secure channel between the client and the target container. This detailed blog post from Amazon describes how to use this feature along with all the prerequisites and the configuration steps.

Original Answer:

With Fargate you don't get access to the underlying infrastructure so docker exec doesn't seem possible. The documentation doesn't mention this explicitly but it's mentioned in this Deep Dive into AWS Fargate presentation by Amazon where this is mentioned on slide 19:

Some caveats: can’t exec into the container, or access the underlying host (this is also a good thing)

There's also some discussion about it on this open issue in ECS CLI github project.

You could try to run an SSH server inside a container to get access but I haven't tried it or come across anyone doing this. It also doesn't seem like a good approach so you are limited there.

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user818510 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10


AWS Fargate is a managed service and it makes sense not to allow access into containers. If you need to troubleshoot the container you can always increase the log level of your app running in containers. Best practices on working with containers says

"Docker containers are in fact immutable. This means that a running container never changes because in case you need to update it, the best practice is to create a new container with the updated version of your application and delete the old one."

Hope it helps.

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Ovi.Hutu Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
