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Expose port 80 on Digital Ocean's managed Kubernetes without a load balancer


I would like to expose my Kubernetes Managed Digital Ocean (single node) cluster's service on port 80 without the use of Digital Ocean's load balancer. Is this possible? How would I do this?

This is essentially a hobby project (I am beginning with Kubernetes) and just want to keep the cost very low.

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Joseph Horsch Avatar asked Jan 09 '19 22:01

Joseph Horsch

People also ask

Does Kubernetes require load balancer?

In other words, Kubernetes services are themselves the crudest form of load balancing traffic. In Kubernetes the most basic type of load balancing is load distribution. Kubernetes uses two methods of load distribution. Both of them are easy to implement at the dispatch level and operate through the kube-proxy feature.

How do you expose a port in Kubernetes?

From the Service type drop-down list, select Node port. Click Expose. When your Service is ready, the Service details page opens, and you can see details about your Service. Under Ports, make a note of the Node Port that Kubernetes assigned to your Service.

Can we expose a pod in Kubernetes?

A downwardAPI volume can expose Pod fields and container fields. In Kubernetes, there are two ways to expose Pod and container fields to a running container: Environment variables.

What is the difference between NodePort and ClusterIP in Kubernetes?

NodePort definitions have the same mandatory properties as ClusterIP services. The only difference is the change to type: NodePort . The targetPort field is still required, as NodePorts are backed by a ClusterIP service. This will route traffic on port 32000 to port 80 in your Pods.

1 Answers

You can deploy an Ingress configured to use the host network and port 80/443.

  1. DO's firewall for your cluster doesn't have 80/443 inbound open by default.

    If you edit the auto-created firewall the rules will eventually reset themselves. The solution is to create a separate firewall also pointing at the same Kubernetes worker nodes:

$ doctl compute firewall create \ --inbound-rules="protocol:tcp,ports:80,address:,address:::/0 protocol:tcp,ports:443,address:,address:::/0" \ --tag-names=k8s:CLUSTER_UUID \ --name=k8s-extra-mycluster 

(Get the CLUSTER_UUID value from the dashboard or the ID column from doctl kubernetes cluster list)

  1. Create the nginx ingress using the host network. I've included the helm chart config below, but you could do it via the direct install process too.

EDIT: The Helm chart in the above link has been DEPRECATED, Therefore the correct way of installing the chart would be(as per the new docs) is :

helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx helm repo update 

After this repo is added & updated

# For Helm 2 $ helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name=myingress -f myingress.values.yml  # For Helm 3 $ helm install myingress stable/nginx-ingress -f myingress.values.yml  #EDIT: The New way to install in helm 3 helm install myingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -f myingress.values.yaml 

myingress.values.yml for the chart:

--- controller:   kind: DaemonSet   hostNetwork: true   dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet   daemonset:     useHostPort: true   service:     type: ClusterIP rbac:   create: true 
  1. you should be able to access the cluster on :80 and :443 via any worker node IP and it'll route traffic to your ingress.

  2. since node IPs can & do change, look at deploying external-dns to manage DNS entries to point to your worker nodes. Again, using the helm chart and assuming your DNS domain is hosted by DigitalOcean (though any supported DNS provider will work):

# For Helm 2 $ helm install --name=mydns -f mydns.values.yml stable/external-dns  # For Helm 3 $ helm install mydns stable/external-dns -f mydns.values.yml 

mydns.values.yml for the chart:

--- provider: digitalocean digitalocean:   # create the API token at https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/api/tokens   # needs read + write   apiToken: "DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN" domainFilters:   # domains you want external-dns to be able to edit   - example.com rbac:   create: true 
  1. create a Kubernetes Ingress resource to route requests to an existing Kubernetes service:
--- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata:   name: testing123-ingress   annotations:     kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx spec:   rules:     - host: testing123.example.com             # the domain you want associated       http:         paths:           - path: /             backend:               serviceName: testing123-service  # existing service               servicePort: 8000                # existing service port 
  1. after a minute or so you should see the DNS records appear and be resolvable:
$ dig testing123.example.com             # should return worker IP address $ curl -v http://testing123.example.com  # should send the request through the Ingress to your backend service 

(Edit: editing the automatically created firewall rules eventually breaks, add a separate firewall instead).

like image 99
rcoup Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
