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How can I run a rake task from a delayed_job

I'd like to run a rake task (apn:notifications:deliver from the apn_on_rails gem) from a delayed_job. In other words, I'd like enqueue a delayed job which will call the apn:notifications:deliver rake task.

I found this code http://pastie.org/157390 from http://geminstallthat.wordpress.com/2008/02/25/run-rake-tasks-with-delayedjob-dj/.

I added this code as DelayedRake.rb to my lib directory:

require 'rake'
require 'fileutils'

class DelayedRake
  def initialize(task, options = {})
     @task     = task
     @options  = options

  # Called by Delayed::Job.
  def perform
    FileUtils.cd RAILS_ROOT

    @rake = Rake::Application.new
    Rake.application = @rake
    ### Load all the Rake Tasks.
     Dir[ "./lib/tasks/**/*.rake" ].each { |ext| load ext }
     @options.stringify_keys!.each do |key, value|
      ENV[key] = value  
    rescue => e
       RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "[ERROR]: task \"#{@task}\" failed.  #{e}"

Everything runs fine until the delayed_job runs and it complains:

[ERROR]: task "apn:notifications:deliver" failed. Don't know how to build task 'apn:notifications:deliver'

How do I let it know about apn_on_rails? I'd tried require 'apn_on_rails_tasks' at the top of DelayedRake which didn't do anything. I also tried changing the directory of rake tasks to ./lib/tasks/*.rake

I'm somewhat new to Ruby/Rails. This is running on 2.3.5 on heroku.

like image 283
rmw Avatar asked Nov 15 '10 10:11


People also ask

How do I run a specific rake task?

Go to Websites & Domains and click Ruby. After gems installation you can try to run a Rake task by clicking Run rake task. In the opened dialog, you can provide some parameters and click OK - this will be equivalent to running the rake utility with the specified parameters in the command line.

How do I test rake tasks?

Whenever you are testing Rake tasks, you need to load the tasks from the Rails application itself. Note that in your tests you should change MyApplication to the name of your application. This line locates the task by it's name and returns a Rake::Task object. Then, we call invoke on it, which executes the task.

How do I create a rake task?

You can create these custom rake tasks with the bin/rails generate task command. If your need to interact with your application models, perform database queries and so on, your task should depend on the environment task, which will load your application code.

2 Answers

Why don't do just a system call ?

system "rake apn:notifications:deliver"
like image 100
shingara Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10


I believe it's easier if you call it as a separate process. See 5 ways to run commands from Ruby.

def perform
  `rake -f #{Rails.root.join("Rakefile")} #{@task}`

If you want to capture any errors, you should capture STDERR as shown in the article.

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Simone Carletti Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Simone Carletti