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Rails routes matching query parameters

Rails routes are great for matching RESTful style '/' separated bits of a URL, but can I match query parameters in a map.connect config. I want different controllers/actions to be invoked depending on the presence of a parameter after the '?'.

I was trying something like this...

map.connect "api/my/path?apple=:applecode", :controller => 'apples_controller', :action => 'my_action'
map.connect "api/my/path?banana=:bananacode", :controller => 'bananas_controller', :action => 'my_action'

For routing purposes I don't care about the value of the parameter, as long as it is available to the controller in the params hash

like image 552
Harry Wood Avatar asked May 11 '10 13:05

Harry Wood

1 Answers

The following solution is based on the "Advanced Constraints" section of the "Rails Routing from the Outside In" rails guide (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html).

In your config/routes.rb file, include a recognizer class have a matches? method, e.g.:

class FruitRecognizer
  def initialize(fruit_type)
    @fruit_type = fruit_type.to_sym

  def matches?(request)

Then use objects from the class as routing constraints, as in:

map.connect "api/my/path", :contraints => FruitRecognizer.new(:apple), :controller => 'apples_controller', :action => 'my_action'
like image 127
Dan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
