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How can I reuse a Common Table Expression

I am using a Common Table Expression for paging:

with query as (   Select Row_Number() over (Order By OrderNum ASC) as TableRowNum,          FirstName,          LastName   From   Users ) Select * from query where TableRowNum between 1 and 25 Order By TableRowNum ASC 

Immediately after making this query, I make make an almost identical query in order to retrieve the total number of items:

with query as (   Select Row_Number() over (Order By OrderNum ASC) as TableRowNum,          FirstName,          LastName   From   Users ) Select Count(*) from query 

I have tried combining these together (ie: define the CTE, query the data and then query the Count, but when I do this, I get an error message "Invalid object name 'query'" in response the the second query (the Count).

Is there any way to combine these two queries into one, to save a round-trip to the DB?

like image 405
Yaakov Ellis Avatar asked Nov 26 '09 06:11

Yaakov Ellis

People also ask

Can CTE be reused?

The CTE runs only once. The Nested Loops operator splits every row into four.

Can you reference a CTE more than once?

They can only be referenced within the scope of that particular command. As such your first select * statement would work, the next two would error out not being able to find the CTE. In order for those to work you would need create another CTE for each to reference.

Why would you use a Common Table Expression in my sequel?

A CTE provides better readability and also increases the performance as compared to the derived table. Unlike a derived table, a CTE is a subquery that can be self-referencing using its own name. It is also known as recursive CTE and can also be referenced multiple times in the same query.

2 Answers

If you do not require them in 2 different queries, you can try

;with query as (   Select Row_Number() over (Order By UserID ASC) as TableRowNum,          FirstName,          LastName   From   Users ), totalCount AS (     SELECT COUNT(1) Total FROM query ) Select  query.*,         Total from    query, totalCount  where   TableRowNum  between 1 and 25  Order By TableRowNum ASC 

If you do require 2 different queries, rather use a table var

DECLARE @User TABLE(         TableRowNum INT,         FirstName VARCHAR(50),         LastName VARCHAR(50) ) ;with query as (   Select Row_Number() over (Order By UserID ASC) as TableRowNum,          FirstName,          LastName   From   Users ) INSERT INTO @User SELECT  TableRowNum,         FirstName,         LastName FROM    query  SELECT  * FROM    @User where   TableRowNum  between 1 and 25  Order By TableRowNum ASC  SELECT COUNT(1) FROM @User 
like image 152
Adriaan Stander Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Adriaan Stander

You can do that like this :

with query as (    Select   COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY 1) AS TableTotalRows,  Row_Number() over (Order By OrderNum ASC) as TableRowNum,      FirstName,      LastName   From   Users ) 
like image 32
Anzar Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10
