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How can I return a datareader when using Entity Framework 4?

I want to define a database query using LINQ and my EntityFramework context but I don't want entities returned; I want a datareader!

How can I do this? This is for exporting rows to a CSV.

Cheers, Ian.

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Ian Warburton Avatar asked May 08 '11 01:05

Ian Warburton

People also ask

Which method returns an DataReader object?

As you've seen in the previous examples, you call the ExecuteReader method of the Command object, which returns an instance of the DataReader.

What does SqlDataReader return?

As explained earlier, the SqlDataReader returns data via a sequential stream. To read this data, you must pull data from a table row-by-row Once a row has been read, the previous row is no longer available.

How do you check if a DataReader is closed or opened in C#?

The way to make sure you close your datareaders (and database connections) is to always open them in a using block, like so: using (SqlDataReader rdr = MySqlCommandObject. ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr. Read()) { //... } } // The SqlDataReader is guaranteed to be closed here, even if an exception was thrown.

Which function of DataReader is used to get the data from it?

ExecuteReader to retrieve rows from a data source. The DataReader provides an unbuffered stream of data that allows procedural logic to efficiently process results from a data source sequentially. The DataReader is a good choice when you're retrieving large amounts of data because the data is not cached in memory.

1 Answers

If you need this you are more probably doing something unexpected. Simple iteration through materialized result of the query should be what you need - that is ORM way. If you don't like it use SqlCommand directly.

DbContext API is simplified and because of that it doesn't contain many features available in ObjectContext API. Accessing data reader is one of them. You can try to convert DbContext to ObjectContext and use the more complex API:

ObjectContext objContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbContext).ObjectContext;
using (var connection = objContext.Connection as EntityConnection)
    // Create Entity SQL command querying conceptual model hidden behind your code-first mapping
    EntityCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
    command.CommandText = "SELECT VALUE entity FROM ContextName.DbSetName AS entity";
    using (EntityDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))

But pure ADO.NET way is much easier and faster because the former example still uses mapping of query to SQL query:

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(Database.Connection.ConnectionString))
    SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
    command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM DbSetName";
    using(SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())

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Ladislav Mrnka Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10

Ladislav Mrnka