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Entity Framework Stored Procedures - Multiple Result sets with CodeFirst

I am using the below code to get a regular result from a stored procedure:

var paramUserId = new SqlParameter
    ParameterName = "userId",
    Value = userId

string query = string.Format("{0} {1}",

var results = context.Database.SqlQuery<FooModel>(query,

result = results.ToList();

Meanwhile I need to retrieve multiple result sets from another stored procedure, which I found it's possible according to this documentation : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj691402.aspx

However the example from Microsoft is using ADO.NET. It's not possible to achieve the same result without ADO.NET using EF instead?


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Hugo Hilário Avatar asked Apr 19 '14 16:04

Hugo Hilário

People also ask

How can we return multiple result sets in stored procedure using Entity Framework?

In order to get multiple result sets working we need to drop to the ObjectContext API by using the IObjectContextAdapter interface. Once we have an ObjectContext then we can use the Translate method to translate the results of our stored procedure into entities that can be tracked and used in EF as normal.

Can a stored procedure return multiple result sets SQL Server?

Most stored procedures return multiple result sets. Such a stored procedure usually includes one or more select statements. The consumer needs to consider this inclusion to handle all the result sets.

What is stored procedure result set?

In addition to returning output parameters, a stored procedure can return a result set (that is, a result table associated with a cursor opened in the stored procedure) to the application that issues the CALL statement. The application can then issue fetch requests to read the rows of the result set cursor.

2 Answers

This is an old topic but adding comments here just in case someone needs it. I needed to consume a stored proc that returned two tables from a different database and then after processing the returned data storing into our application database. Referred to the standard documentation and followed the steps but did not like it. First there were problems and the code exposed some underbelly that was not a good idea from maintainability point of view.

That where a Nuget package designed specifically for handling SPs come into picture. Take a look at CodeFirstStoredProcs. Brilliant package with very specific focus and does the job perfectly. This returns a collection of objects for each result set of stored proc that can then be used any way desired. Their is a good and consistent support for different versions of EF including version 6. Also check the explanation on code project Code First Stored Procedures. Downloaded source code even has a PDF that explains how to use it in detailed steps.

Big thanks to the author aureolin.

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Shashank Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


See this link. this will work with EF 6.0 Code first.


I've My own extension based on the above link, C# 6.0 , add parameter and work with multiple select not necessary a procedure.

 public static class MultipleResultSets

    #region Public Methods
    public static MultipleResultSetWrapper MultipleResults(this DbContext db,string query,IEnumerable<SqlParameter> parameters=null) => new MultipleResultSetWrapper(db: db,query: query,parameters: parameters);
    #endregion Public Methods

    #region Public Classes
    public class MultipleResultSetWrapper

        #region Public Fields
        public List<Func<DbDataReader,IEnumerable>> _resultSets;
        #endregion Public Fields

        #region Private Fields
        private readonly IObjectContextAdapter _Adapter;
        private readonly string _CommandText;
        private readonly DbContext _db;
        private readonly IEnumerable<SqlParameter> _parameters;
        #endregion Private Fields

        #region Public Constructors
        public MultipleResultSetWrapper(DbContext db,string query,IEnumerable<SqlParameter> parameters = null)
            _db = db;
            _Adapter = db;
            _CommandText = query;
            _parameters = parameters;
            _resultSets = new List<Func<DbDataReader,IEnumerable>>();
        #endregion Public Constructors

        #region Public Methods
        public MultipleResultSetWrapper AddResult<TResult>()
            return this;

        public List<IEnumerable> Execute()
            var results = new List<IEnumerable>();

            using(var connection = _db.Database.Connection)
                var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = _CommandText;
                if(_parameters?.Any() ?? false) { command.Parameters.AddRange(_parameters.ToArray()); }
                using(var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    foreach(var resultSet in _resultSets)

                return results;
        #endregion Public Methods

        #region Private Methods
        private IEnumerable OneResult<TResult>(DbDataReader reader)
            var result = _Adapter
            return result;
        #endregion Private Methods

    #endregion Public Classes


and this is an example how to call it

var Policy = "123";
var Results=   db
        .MultipleResults($"EXEC GetPolicyInfo '{Policy}'")
        var Output= new clsPolicyInfo
            Drivers = Results[0] as Driver[],
            Addresses = Results[1] as Address[],
            Phones = Results[2] as Phone[],
            Emails = Results[3] as Email[],
            Vehicles = Results[4] as Vehicle[]
like image 159
Waleed A.K. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Waleed A.K.