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How can I repeat each test multiple times in a py.test run?




I want to run each selected py.test item an arbitrary number of times, sequentially.
I don't see any standard py.test mechanism for doing this.

I attempted to do this in the pytest_collection_modifyitems() hook. I modified the list of items passed in, to specify each item more than once. The first execution of a test item works as expected, but that seems to cause some problems for my code.

Further, I would prefer to have a unique test item object for each run, as I use id (item) as a key in various reporting code. Unfortunately, I can't find any py.test code to duplicate a test item, copy.copy() doesn't work, and copy.deepcopy() gets an exception.

Can anybody suggest a strategy for executing a test multiple times?

like image 597
Martin Del Vecchio Avatar asked Feb 13 '14 20:02

Martin Del Vecchio

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2 Answers

One possible strategy is parameterizing the test in question, but not explicitly using the parameter.

For example:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('execution_number', range(5)) def run_multiple_times(execution_number):     assert True 

The above test should run five times.

Check out the parametrization documentation: https://pytest.org/latest/parametrize.html

like image 163
Frank T Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Frank T

The pytest module pytest-repeat exists for this purpose, and I recommend using modules where possible, rather than re-implementing their functionality yourself.

To use it simply add pytest-repeat to your requirements.txt or pip install pytest-repeat, then execute your tests with --count n.

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jsj Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
