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How can I render inline JavaScript with Jade / Pug?

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Can you use JavaScript in Pug?

Pug allows you to write inline JavaScript code in your templates. There are three types of code: Unbuffered, Buffered, and Unescaped Buffered.

Can you do inline JavaScript?

Inline JavaScript can be achieved by using Script tag inside the body of the HTML, and instead of specifying the source(src=”…”) of the JavaScript file in the Script tag, we have to write all the JavaScript code inside the Script tag.

How do I render a Pug file?

The general rendering process of Pug is simple. pug. compile() will compile the Pug source code into a JavaScript function that takes a data object (called “ locals ”) as an argument. Call that resultant function with your data, and voilà!, it will return a string of HTML rendered with your data.

simply use a 'script' tag with a dot after.

  var users = !{JSON.stringify(users).replace(/<\//g, "<\\/")}


The :javascript filter was removed in version 7.0

The docs says you should use a script tag now, followed by a . char and no preceding space.


  if (usingJade)
    console.log('you are awesome')
    console.log('use jade')

will be compiled to

  if (usingJade)
    console.log('you are awesome')
    console.log('use jade')

Use script tag with the type specified, simply include it before the dot:

  if (10 == 10) {

This will compile to:

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (10 == 10) {

No use script tag only.

Solution with |:

  | if (10 == 10) {
  |   alert("working")
  | }

Or with a .:

  if (10 == 10) {


Here's a multiple line example of inline Jade Javascript. I don't think you can write it without using a -. This is a flash message example that I use in a partial. Hope this helps!

-if(typeof(info) !== 'undefined')
  -if (info)
    - if(info.length){
          li= info

Is the code you're trying to get to compile the code in your question?

If so, you don't need two things: first, you don't need to declare that it's Javascript/a script, you can just started coding after typing -; second, after you type -if you don't need to type the { or } either. That's what makes Jade pretty sweet.

--------------ORIGINAL ANSWER BELOW ---------------

Try prepending if with -:

-if(10 == 10)
  //do whatever you want here as long as it's indented two spaces from
   the `-` above

There are also tons of Jade examples at:


For multi-line content jade normally uses a "|", however:

Tags that accept only text such as script, style, and textarea do not need the leading | character

This said, i cannot reproduce the problem you are having. When i paste that code in a jade template, it produces the right output and prompts me with an alert on page-load.


//- Workaround
<script nonce="some-nonce">console.log("test");</script>