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Is Node.js native Promise.all processing in parallel or sequentially?

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Is promise all sequential or parallel?

Final Thoughts: Parallel ProcessingOften Promise. all() is thought of as running in parallel, but this isn't the case. Parallel means that you do many things at the same time on multiple threads. However, Javascript is single threaded with one call stack and one memory heap.

Does promise all run sequential?

all() method executed by taking promises as input in the single array and executing them sequentially.

Does promise all run all promises at once?

all() The Promise. all() method takes an iterable of promises as an input, and returns a single Promise that resolves to an array of the results of the input promises. This returned promise will fulfill when all of the input's promises have fulfilled, or if the input iterable contains no promises.

Are promises concurrent or parallel?

Depending on the “Task/CPU” it might run in parallel or concurrently or sequentially. In single-core CPU the promises would run concurrently and in multi-core CPU they can be executed (!) in parallel for CPU intensive tasks.

Is Promise.all(iterable) executing all promises?

No, promises cannot "be executed". They start their task when they are being created - they represent the results only - and you are executing everything in parallel even before passing them to Promise.all.

Promise.all does only await multiple promises. It doesn't care in what order they resolve, or whether the computations are running in parallel.

is there a convenient way to run an iterable sequencially?

If you already have your promises, you can't do much but Promise.all([p1, p2, p3, …]) (which does not have a notion of sequence). But if you do have an iterable of asynchronous functions, you can indeed run them sequentially. Basically you need to get from

[fn1, fn2, fn3, …]



and the solution to do that is using Array::reduce:

iterable.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve())

In parallel

await Promise.all(items.map(async (item) => { 
  await fetchItem(item) 

Advantages: Faster. All iterations will be started even if one fails later on. However, it will "fail fast". Use Promise.allSettled, to complete all iterations in parallel even if some fail.

In sequence

for (const item of items) {
  await fetchItem(item)

Advantages: Variables in the loop can be shared by each iteration. Behaves like normal imperative synchronous code.

NodeJS does not run promises in parallel, it runs them concurrently since it’s a single threaded event loop architecture. There is a possibility to run things in parallel by creating a new child process to take advantage of the multiple core CPU.

Parallel Vs Concurent

In fact, what Promise.all does is, stacking the promises function in the appropriate queue (see event loop architecture) running them concurrently (call P1, P2,...) then waiting for each result, then resolving the Promise.all with all the promises results. Promise.all will fail at the first promise which fail, unless you have manage the rejection yourself.

There is a major difference between parallel and concurrent, the first one will run different computation in separate process at exactly the same time and they will progress at there rythme, while the other one will execute the different computation one after another without waiting for the previous computation to finish and progress at the same time without depending on each other.

Finally, to answer your question, Promise.all will not execute neither in parallel or sequentially but concurrently.

Bergi's answer got me on the right track using Array.reduce.

However, to actually get the functions returning my promises to execute one after another I had to add some more nesting.

My real use case is an array of files that I need to transfer in order one after another due to limits downstream...

Here is what I ended up with:

getAllFiles().then( (files) => {
    return files.reduce((p, theFile) => {
        return p.then(() => {
            return transferFile(theFile); //function returns a promise
    }, Promise.resolve()).then(()=>{
        console.log("All files transferred");

As previous answers suggest, using:

getAllFiles().then( (files) => {
    return files.reduce((p, theFile) => {
        return p.then(transferFile(theFile));
    }, Promise.resolve()).then(()=>{
        console.log("All files transferred");

didn't wait for the transfer to complete before starting another and also the "All files transferred" text came before even the first file transfer was started.

Not sure what I did wrong, but wanted to share what worked for me.

Edit: Since I wrote this post I now understand why the first version didn't work. then() expects a function returning a promise. So, you should pass in the function name without parentheses! Now, my function wants an argument so then I need to wrap in in a anonymous function taking no argument!