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How can I remove the border of a WPF window when using luna or classic?






When I display a WPF window with WindowStyle="None", it looks great when using areo.

However, when I use luna or classic, it displays an ugly gray border about 5 pixels wide.

Of course, if I set ResizeMode="NoResize", this border disappears, but I would like the window to be resizable (ResizeMode="CanResize").

Other non WPF applications (live mail, ie, firefox, etc.) do not display this gray border, but are still resizable.

Is there a way to remove this border while still being resizable?

like image 969
tom greene Avatar asked Jul 28 '09 17:07

tom greene

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2 Answers

I'm using the WPF Customizable Window's Essential Window. Here's my window declaration (abbreviated):

      AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent" 
      ShowInTaskbar="True" >
like image 91
Jon Galloway Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Jon Galloway

Try setting AllowsTransparency to True on the Window.

like image 26
John Myczek Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

John Myczek