I am using mplot3d like this:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10))
ax = Axes3D(fig,azim=azimuth,elev=elevation)
# Additional axes
xspan = np.linspace(0,80+20)
yspan = np.linspace(0,60+20)
zspan = np.linspace(0,60+20)
ax.text(xspan[-1]+10, .5, .5, "x", color='red')
ax.text(.5, yspan[-1]+10, .5, "y", color='red')
ax.text(.5, .5, zspan[-1]+10, "z", color='red')
NZindices = np.nonzero(t2)[0]
#print "Nonzero values of T^2", len(NZindices), "out of", X.shape[0]
ONZ_X, ONZ_Y, ONZ_Z, ONZ_p = [],[],[],[]
INZ_X, INZ_Y, INZ_Z, INZ_p = [],[],[],[]
# Separate indices I/O
for ind in NZindices:
if ind <= HALF_INDICES:
INZ_X.append( X[ind] )
INZ_Y.append( Y[ind] )
INZ_Z.append( Z[ind] )
INZ_p.append( t2[ind] )
ONZ_X.append( X[ind] )
ONZ_Y.append( Y[ind] )
ONZ_Z.append( Z[ind] )
ONZ_p.append( t2[ind] )
cax = ax.scatter(ONZ_X, ONZ_Y, ONZ_Z, c=ONZ_p, marker='o', s=20 )
cax = ax.scatter(INZ_X, INZ_Y, INZ_Z, c=INZ_p, marker='<', s=20 )
fig.colorbar( cax, shrink=0.7 )
success = float(len(NZindices))/X.shape[0]*100
I want to remove the original (x,y,z) axes that come by default in Axes3D. Any ideas? Thanks!
axis('off') you should use ax. axis('off') where ax is a matplotlib. axes object. To do this for your code you simple need to add axarr[0,0].
Convert the image from one color space to another. To remove grid lines, use ax. grid(False).
The axes3d is used since it takes a different kind of axis in order to actually graph something in three dimensions. Next: fig = plt. figure() ax1 = fig. add_subplot(111, projection='3d') Here, we define the figure as usual, and then we define the ax1 as a typical subplot, just with a 3d projection this time.
Matplotlib mplot3d toolkit One can rotate the 3D scene by simply clicking-and-dragging the scene. Zooming is done by right-clicking the scene and dragging the mouse up and down.
If I understand your question correctly, all you need to do is call ax.axis("off")
or equivalently, ax.set_axis_off()
Just to make sure we're on the same page, your example code might produce something like this (if it could be executed as you posted it...):
While you want something like this:
Here's the code to generate the example below, for future reference:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
# Draw x, y, and z axis markers in the same way you were in
# the code snippet in your question...
xspan, yspan, zspan = 3 * [np.linspace(0,60,20)]
zero = np.zeros_like(xspan)
ax.plot3D(xspan, zero, zero,'k--')
ax.plot3D(zero, yspan, zero,'k--')
ax.plot3D(zero, zero, zspan,'k--')
ax.text(xspan.max() + 10, .5, .5, "x", color='red')
ax.text(.5, yspan.max() + 10, .5, "y", color='red')
ax.text(.5, .5, zspan.max() + 10, "z", color='red')
# Generate and plot some random data...
ndata = 10
x = np.random.uniform(xspan.min(), xspan.max(), ndata)
y = np.random.uniform(yspan.min(), yspan.max(), ndata)
z = np.random.uniform(zspan.min(), zspan.max(), ndata)
c = np.random.random(ndata)
ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=c, marker='o', s=20)
# This line is the only difference between the two plots above!
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