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how can i reliably wait for XHR requests after loading a page in a Cypress test?


in my app, when i visit a page it makes some network requests to fetch data and display it on the page. after that you click buttons and fill in fields to filter that data.

i have a cypress test that will basically visit the page, apply some filters, and make sure the stuff in the dom looks right:

it(`filters the data by 'price'`, () => {   cy.server()   cy.route('POST', 'http://my-api.biz/api').as('apiRequest')    cy.visit('/')    // initial page load loads the min and max price bounds for the UI,   // as well as the data to initially populate the page. they happen   // to hit the same URL with different POST params   cy.wait(['@apiRequest', '@apiRequest'])    cy.get('#price-filter-min').type('1000')   cy.get('#price-filter-max').type('1400')    // wait for data to get refreshed   cy.wait('@apiRequest')    cy     .get('[data-test-column="price"]')     .each($el => {       const value = parseFloat($el.text())       expect(value).to.be.gte(1000)       expect(value).to.be.lte(1400)     }) }) 

however sometimes cypress seems to load the page, do the XHR requests before waiting, then sporadically it'll fail on:

CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.wait() timed out waiting 30000ms for the 2nd response to the route: 'apiRequest'. No response ever occurred.

because it's waiting for a request that has already happened.

is there a better way to write this test? is there a way to visit a page and wait for XHR requests that avoids this race condition?


i've tried to re-create this in an isolated test case, but it all seems to be working right, so there's probably some operator error.

like image 751
schpet Avatar asked Apr 11 '18 20:04


People also ask

How do I make Cypress wait for page load?

Wait for API response Cypress works great with http requests. If you are waiting for some resources to be loaded in your app, you can intercept a request and then create an alias for it. That alias will then be used with . wait() command.

What is the best way to wait and test the page in Cypress?

With cypress, cy. visit() can be used to wait for a page to load.

How do you wait for API calls in Cypress?

Cypress automatically waits for the network call to complete before proceeding to the next command. // Anti-pattern: placing Cypress commands inside . then callbacks cy. wait('@alias') .

1 Answers

You can do something like this

// Give an alias to request cy.intercept({   method: 'GET',   url: '/odata/locations/**', }).as('dataGetFirst');  // Visit site cy.visit('admin/locations');  // Wait for response.status to be 200 cy.wait('@dataGetFirst').its('response.statusCode').should('equal', 200)  // Continue 
like image 60
LuisEnMarroquin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
