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How to mock uuid with Jest

so on my search for an answer to my problem I found this post: Jest: How to globally mock node-uuid (or any other imported module)

I already tried the answer but I can't seem to use it properly, as it´s giving me an undefined error. I'm new to the testing scene so please excuse any major errors:

This was my first approach

const mockF = jest.mock('uuid'); 


But it wouldn't recognize the functions.

"mockF.mockReturnValue is not a function" among others I tried.

Then I tried to manually mock as the post suggested but can' seem to make it work, can you help me? Thanks

Here's the entire test if it helps:

    const faker = require('faker');
    const storageUtils = require('../../storage/utils');
    const utils = require('../utils/generateFile');
    const { generateFileName } = storageUtils;
    const { file } = utils;

    test('should return a valid file name when provided the correct information', () => {
        // ARRANGE
        // create a scope
        const scope = {
            type: 'RECRUITER',
            _id: '987654321',
        // establish what the expected name to be returned is
        const expectedName = 'r_987654321_123456789.png';

        jest.mock('uuid/v4', () => () => '123456789');

        // ACTION
        const received = generateFileName(file, scope);

        // ASSERT
        // expect the returned value to equal our expected one
like image 683
Eduardo Pinto Avatar asked Jul 17 '18 13:07

Eduardo Pinto

People also ask

What does jest Mock () do?

Mock functions allow you to test the links between code by erasing the actual implementation of a function, capturing calls to the function (and the parameters passed in those calls), capturing instances of constructor functions when instantiated with new , and allowing test-time configuration of return values.

4 Answers

Mock it by using mockImplementation.

import uuid from 'uuid/v4';

describe('mock uuid', () => {
  it('should return testid }', () => {
    uuid.mockImplementation(() => 'testid');

Make sure you import uuid correctly (with correct version reference e.g. v4, v3...)

like image 118
Shadrech Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10


This worked for me. In my case I only wanted to verify that the function was called rather than asserting on a specific value.

import * as uuid from 'uuid';

const uuidSpy = jest.spyOn(uuid, 'v4');

// in a test block
like image 29
adam.shaleen Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10


I figure I might as well add my solution here, for posterity. None of the above was exactly what I needed:

jest.mock('uuid', () => ({ v4: () => '123456789' }));

By the way, using a variable instead of '123456789' breaks it.

This should be mocked where we have the imports and it does not require you to explicitely import uuid in your spec file.

like image 13
Mason Embry Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Mason Embry

for my case I used the answer of this Github issue

jest.mock('uuid/v4', () => {
 let value = 0;
 return () => value++;
like image 10
Henrique Jensen Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Henrique Jensen