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How can I reference package version in npm script?

I want to reference my package version in a npm script so I can show current version in the app. Something like

{   "name": "bla",   "version": "1.0.0",   "author": "bla bla",   "scripts": {     "build": "node VERSION=<<package.version>> build/build.js"   } } 

Is there a way to do this?

like image 440
Evaldo Bratti Avatar asked Feb 04 '18 15:02

Evaldo Bratti

People also ask

How do I specify npm version?

For npm install specific version, use npm install [package-name]@[version-number]. Use npm view [package-name] version to know the specific latest version of a package available on the npm registry. Use npm list [package-name] to know the specific latest version of an installed package.

How do I check the version of an NPM package?

To check the installed version of a particular package, you can use the npm list command by specifying a package name. If you want to check the latest version of a package available in npm repository, you can use the npm view package-name version command.

What does * version mean in NPM package dependency?

For example a dependency with a version of * would equate to any version that was greater than or equal to 0.0. 0, while 1. * would allow versions greater than or equal to 1.0. 0 and less than 2.0.

1 Answers

1) Referencing package version in npm-scripts.

In npm-script's you can reference the version using the variable npm_package_version. For example:

  • Using a bash shell (E.g. Linux, macOS):

    {   ...   "version": "1.0.0",   "scripts": {     "build": "echo $npm_package_version"   } } 

    Note the $ prefix

  • Using Windows (E.g. cmd.exe, Powershell):

    {   ...   "version": "1.0.0",   "scripts": {     "build": "echo %npm_package_version%"   } } 

    Note the % prefix and suffix

  • Cross platform

    To utilize one syntax cross-platform check out the package cross-var

2) Referencing package version in node script.

The package version can also be referenced in your a app/node script (i.e. build.js) as follows:

const VERSION = process.env.npm_package_version; console.log(VERSION); // --> 1.0.0 

3) Replacing a placeholder string in a .js file with package version.

Another way to achieve this is to specify a placeholder text string within your JavaScript file. Lets say we have a file named build.js and within that file we have a variable named VERSION declared as follows:

// build.js const VERSION = '@VERSION@' 

As you can see, the placeholder text string is @VERSION@.

You can then install and utilize the package called replace in an npm-script as follows:

{   ...   "version": "1.0.0",   "scripts": {     "add-version":  "replace -s \"@VERSION@\" $npm_package_version build/build.js"   } } 

Running npm run add-version will replace the instance of @VERSION@ with the package version (i.e. 1.0.0), in the file named build.js. This solution will hard-code the npm package version into the resultant file.

Note: The to string in the add-version script (above) currently uses the $ prefix (i.e. $npm_package_version) to access the variable, so this will only run successfully on a bash shell. However, for cross-platform usage you'll need to use cross-var as explained in section one (above). In which case the add-version script can be defined as follows:

{   ...   "version": "1.0.0",   "scripts": {     "add-version":  "cross-var replace -s \"@VERSION@\" $npm_package_version build/build.js"   } } 
like image 181
RobC Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
