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How can I properly use a Pandas Dataframe with a multiindex that includes Intervals?

I'm trying to slice into a DataFrame that has a MultiIndex composed of an IntervalIndex and a regular Index. Example code:

from pandas import Interval as ntv

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
   {'id': 1, 'var1': 0.1, 'ntv': ntv(0,10), 'E': 1}, 
   {'id':2, 'var1': 0.5, 'ntv': ntv(0,12), 'E': 0}
], index=('ntv', 'id'))

Looks like this:

            E  var1
ntv     id
(0, 10] 1   1   0.1
(0, 12] 2   0   0.5

What I would like to do is to slice into the DataFrame at a specific value and return all rows that has an interval that contains the value. Ex:


should return (trivially)

    E  var1
1   1   0.1
2   0   0.5

The problem is I keep getting a TypeError about the index, and the docs show a similar operation (but on a single-level index) that does produce what I'm looking for.

TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

I've tried many things, nothing seems to work normally. I could include the id column inside the dataframe, but I'd rather keep my index unique, and I would constantly be calling set_index('id').

I feel like either a) I'm missing something about MultiIndexes or b) there is a bug / ambiguity with using an IntervalIndex in a MultiIndex.

like image 748
Cam.Davidson.Pilon Avatar asked Dec 03 '17 18:12


People also ask

How do you use MultiIndex in pandas?

Creating a MultiIndex (hierarchical index) object A MultiIndex can be created from a list of arrays (using MultiIndex. from_arrays() ), an array of tuples (using MultiIndex. from_tuples() ), a crossed set of iterables (using MultiIndex. from_product() ), or a DataFrame (using MultiIndex.

Can a DataFrame have two indexes?

What if you could have more than one column as in your DataFrame's index? The multi-level index feature in Pandas allows you to do just that. A regular Pandas DataFrame has a single column that acts as a unique row identifier, or in other words, an “index”. These index values can be numbers, from 0 to infinity.

How does pandas handle multiple index columns?

A multi-index dataframe has multi-level, or hierarchical indexing. We can easily convert the multi-level index into the column by the reset_index() method. DataFrame. reset_index() is used to reset the index to default and make the index a column of the dataframe.

3 Answers

Since we are speaking intervals there is a method called get_loc to find the rows that has the value in between the interval. To say what I mean :

from pandas import Interval as ntv

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
   {'id': 1, 'var1': 0.1, 'ntv': ntv(0,10), 'E': 1}, 
   {'id':2, 'var1': 0.5, 'ntv': ntv(0,12), 'E': 0}
], index=('ntv', 'id'))

            E  var1
ntv     id         
(0, 10] 1   1   0.1
(0, 12] 2   0   0.5

             E  var1
ntv     id         
(0, 12] 2   0   0.5

This also works if you have multiple rows of data for one inteval i.e

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
   {'id': 1, 'var1': 0.1, 'ntv': ntv(0,10), 'E': 1}, 
   {'id': 3, 'var1': 0.1, 'ntv': ntv(0,10), 'E': 1},
   {'id':2, 'var1': 0.5, 'ntv': ntv(0,12), 'E': 0}
], index=('ntv', 'id'))


            E  var1
ntv     id         
(0, 10] 1   1   0.1
        3   1   0.1
(0, 12] 2   0   0.5

If you time this up with a list comprehension, this approach is way faster for large dataframes i.e

ndf = pd.concat([df]*10000)

10 loops, best of 3: 32.8 ms per loop

intervals = ndf.index.get_level_values(0)
mask = [4 in i for i in intervals]
1 loop, best of 3: 193 ms per loop
like image 66
Bharath Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


So I did a bit of digging to try and understand the problem. If I try to run your code the following happens. You try to index into the index label with "slice(array([0, 1], dtype=int64), array([1, 2], dtype=int64), None)"

(when I say index_type I mean the Pandas datatype)

An index_type's label is a list of indices that map to the index_type's levels array. Here is an example from the documentation.

   >>> arrays = [[1, 1, 2, 2], ['red', 'blue', 'red', 'blue']]
    >>> pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=('number', 'color'))
    MultiIndex(levels=[[1, 2], ['blue', 'red']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
           names=['number', 'color'])

Notice how the second list in labels connects to the order of levels. level[1][1] is equal to red, and level[1][0] is equal to blue.

Anyhow, this is all to say that I don't believe intervalindex is meant to be used in an overlapping fashion. If you look at the orginal proposal for it https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/7640

"A IntervalIndex would be a monotonic and non-overlapping one-dimensional array of intervals."

My suggestion is to move the interval into a column. You could probably write up a simple function with numba to test if a number is in each interval. Do you mind explaining the way you're benefiting from the interval?

like image 3
Gabriel A Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Gabriel A

Piggybacking off of @Dark's solution, Index.get_loc just calls Index.get_indexer under the hood, so it might be more efficient to call the underlying method when you don't have additional parameters and red tape.

idx = df.index.get_level_values(0)

My originally proposed solution:

intervals = df.index.get_level_values(0)
mask = [4 in i for i in intervals]

Regardless, it's certainly strange though that these return two different results, but does look like it has to do with the index being unique/monotonic/neither of the two:

df.reset_index(level=1, drop=True).loc[4] # good
df.loc[4]  # TypeError
like image 2
Brad Solomon Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Brad Solomon