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How can I programmatically manage iptables rules on the fly?

I need to query existing rules, as well as being able to easily add and delete rules. I haven't found any API's for doing this. Is there something that I'm missing?

The closest I've come to a solution is using iptables-save | iptables-xml for querying and manually calling the iptables command itself to add/delete rules. Another solution I've considered is simply regenerating the entire ruleset out of my application's database and flushing the whole chain, then applying it again. But I want to avoid this as I don't want to drop any packets -- unless there's a way to atomically do this. I'm wondering if there's a better way.

An API in C would be great; however, as I'm planning to build this into a stand-alone suid program, libraries that do this in ANY language are fine too.

like image 969
Ycros Avatar asked Sep 20 '08 21:09


People also ask

What command can be used to display the Iptable rules?

Listing the iptables rules in the table view can be useful for comparing different rules against each other. To output all of the active iptables rules in a table, run the iptables command with the -L option: sudo iptables -L.

How do I use iptables without restarting?

You can alternatively use iptables-apply -t 30 iptables_rules . iptables-apply will wait for you to positively confirm the applied rules, and if after 30 seconds you don't reply, it will revert to the previous rules.

How do I allow traffic in iptables?

To accept all traffic on your loopback interface, run these commands: sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT. sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT.

1 Answers

From the netfilter FAQ:

The answer unfortunately is: No.

Now you might think 'but what about libiptc?'. As has been pointed out numerous times on the mailinglist(s), libiptc was NEVER meant to be used as a public interface. We don't guarantee a stable interface, and it is planned to remove it in the next incarnation of linux packet filtering. libiptc is way too low-layer to be used reasonably anyway.

We are well aware that there is a fundamental lack for such an API, and we are working on improving that situation. Until then, it is recommended to either use system() or open a pipe into stdin of iptables-restore. The latter will give you a way better performance.

like image 63
Eric Lathrop Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Eric Lathrop