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How can I programmatically find the CPU frequency with C




I'm trying to find out if there is anyway to get an idea of the CPU frequency of the system my C code is running on.

To clarify, I'm looking for an abstract solution, (one that will not be tied to a specific architecture or OS) which can give me an idea of the operating frequency of the computer that my code is executing on. I don't need to be exact, but I'd like to be in the ball park (ie. I have a 2.2GHz processor, I'd like to be able to tell in my program that I'm within a few hundred MHz of that)

Does anyone have an idea use standard C code?

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Mike Avatar asked Jul 29 '12 04:07


People also ask

How do I find the frequency of my CPU?

The CPU multiplier (sometimes called the “CPU ratio”) is multiplied against the CPU Base Clock (or BCLK) to determine the processor's clock speed. A CPU multiplier of 46 and a base clock of 100 MHz, for example, results in a clock speed of 4.6GHz.

What is the frequency of a CPU?

A CPU's clock speed represents how many cycles per second it can execute. Clock speed is also referred to as clock rate, PC frequency and CPU frequency. This is measured in gigahertz, which refers to billions of pulses per second and is abbreviated as GHz.

1 Answers

For the sake of completeness, already there is a simple, fast, accurate, user mode solution with a huge drawback: it works on Intel Skylake, Kabylake and newer processors only. The exact requirement is the CPUID level 16h support. According to the Intel Software Developer's Manual 325462 release 59, page 770:

  • CPUID.16h.EAX = Processor Base Frequency (in MHz);

  • CPUID.16h.EBX = Maximum Frequency (in MHz);

  • CPUID.16h.ECX = Bus (Reference) Frequency (in MHz).

Visual Studio 2015 sample code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <intrin.h>

int main(void) {
    int cpuInfo[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    __cpuid(cpuInfo, 0);
    if (cpuInfo[0] >= 0x16) {
        __cpuid(cpuInfo, 0x16);

        //Example 1
        //Intel Core i7-6700K Skylake-H/S Family 6 model 94 (506E3)
        //cpuInfo[0] = 0x00000FA0; //= 4000 MHz
        //cpuInfo[1] = 0x00001068; //= 4200 MHz
        //cpuInfo[2] = 0x00000064; //=  100 MHz

        //Example 2
        //Intel Core m3-6Y30 Skylake-U/Y Family 6 model 78 (406E3)
        //cpuInfo[0] = 0x000005DC; //= 1500 MHz
        //cpuInfo[1] = 0x00000898; //= 2200 MHz
        //cpuInfo[2] = 0x00000064; //=  100 MHz

        //Example 3
        //Intel Core i5-7200 Kabylake-U/Y Family 6 model 142 (806E9)
        //cpuInfo[0] = 0x00000A8C; //= 2700 MHz
        //cpuInfo[1] = 0x00000C1C; //= 3100 MHz
        //cpuInfo[2] = 0x00000064; //=  100 MHz

        printf("EAX: 0x%08x EBX: 0x%08x ECX: %08x\r\n", cpuInfo[0], cpuInfo[1], cpuInfo[2]);
        printf("Processor Base Frequency:  %04d MHz\r\n", cpuInfo[0]);
        printf("Maximum Frequency:         %04d MHz\r\n", cpuInfo[1]);
        printf("Bus (Reference) Frequency: %04d MHz\r\n", cpuInfo[2]);
    } else {
        printf("CPUID level 16h unsupported\r\n");
    return 0;
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User9973 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
