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How can I print the result of sizeof() at compile time in C?

People also ask

Is sizeof calculated at compile time?

sizeof is evaluated at compile time, but if the executable is moved to a machine where the compile time and runtime values would be different, the executable will not be valid.

Why is sizeof compile time?

C++ doesn't actually store the metadata for objects at runtime so size checking must be compile time. For an example of how C++ doesn't validate size, declare an array of int of some arbitrary size and read past the end of it.

Why sizeof operator is called the compile time operator?

If we try to increment the value of x, it remains the same. This is because, x is incremented inside the parentheses and sizeof() is a compile time operator.

What is determined at compile time?

In computer science, compile time (or compile-time) describes the time window during which a computer program is compiled. The term is used as an adjective to describe concepts related to the context of program compilation, as opposed to concepts related to the context of program execution (runtime).

I was mucking around looking for similar functionality when I stumbled on this:

Is it possible to print out the size of a C++ class at compile-time?

Which gave me the idea for this:

char (*__kaboom)[sizeof( YourTypeHere )] = 1;

Which results in the following warning in VS2015:

warning C4047: 'initializing': 'DWORD (*)[88]' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'

where 88 in this case would be the size you're looking for.

Super hacky, but it does the trick. Probably a couple years too late, but hopefully this will be useful to someone.

I haven't had a chance to try with gcc or clang yet, but I'll try to confirm whether or not it works if someone doesn't get to it before me.

Edit: Works out of the box for clang 3.6

The only trick I could get to work for GCC was abusing -Wformat and having the macro define a function like the following:

void kaboom_print( void )
    printf( "%d", __kaboom );

Which will give you a warning like:

...blah blah blah... argument 2 has type 'char (*)[88]'

Slightly more gross than the original suggestion, but maybe someone who knows gcc a bit better can think of a better warning to abuse.

Duplicate case constant is a trick that is guaranteed to work IN ALL C COMPILERS regardless of how each of them reports error. For Visual C++, it is simple:

struct X {
    int a,b;
    int c[10];
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int dummy;

    switch (dummy) {
    case sizeof(X):
    case sizeof(X):
    return 0;

Compilation result:

 ------ Build started: Project: cpptest, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
 cpptest.cpp c:\work\cpptest\cpptest\cpptest.cpp(29): error C2196: case value '48' already used
 ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

So sizeof the struct X is 48

EDITED (3jun2020): For gcc or any other compilers that only print "duplicate case value", I use this trick to narrow down the value:

1) add a case value 1==2 (to represent false)

2) by trial and error, narrow down the value e.g. I try to guess the sizeof(X) is >16:

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct _X {
    int a;
    char b[10];
} X;
int main()
    printf("Hello World");

    int dummy=0   ;
    switch (dummy) {
    case  1==2:
    case sizeof( X)>16:
    //case 16:
    return 0;


main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:14:5: error: duplicate case value
     case sizeof( X)>16:
main.c:13:5: error: previously used here
     case  1==2:

so it is false, i.e. sizeof(X)<=16.

3) repeat with some other sensible values. e.g. try to guess that it is 16 i.e. sizeof(X)==16. If it doesn't complain about duplicate case value. Then the expression is true.

4) optionally add a case 16 to verify it e.g.

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct _X {
    int a;
    char b[10];
} X;
int main()
    printf("Hello World");

    int dummy=0   ;
    switch (dummy) {
   // case  1==2:
    case sizeof( X):
    case 16:
    return 0;


main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:15:5: error: duplicate case value
     case 16:
main.c:14:5: error: previously used here
     case sizeof( X):

confirming that sizeof(X) is 16.

Alternatively, it is observed that gcc can report multiple duplicates, so this trick is possible for making multiple guesses on a single pass:

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct _X {
    int a;
    char b[10];
} X;
int main()
    printf("Hello World");

    int dummy=0   ;
    switch (dummy) {
    case  1==2: //represents false
    case 1==1: //represents true
    case sizeof( X)>10:
    case sizeof( X)>12:
    case sizeof( X)>14:
    case sizeof( X)>16:
    case  sizeof( X)==16:
    //case 16:
    return 0;


main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:14:5: error: duplicate case value
     case sizeof( X)>10:
main.c:13:5: error: previously used here
     case 1==1:
main.c:15:5: error: duplicate case value
     case sizeof( X)>12:
main.c:13:5: error: previously used here
     case 1==1:
main.c:16:5: error: duplicate case value
     case sizeof( X)>14:
main.c:13:5: error: previously used here
     case 1==1:
main.c:17:5: error: duplicate case value
     case sizeof( X)>16:
main.c:12:5: error: previously used here
     case  1==2:
main.c:18:5: error: duplicate case value
     case  sizeof( X)==16:
main.c:13:5: error: previously used here
     case 1==1:

suggesting the sizeof(X) is >10, >12, >14 but is not >16. The ==16 is added as a final guess.

The following way, which works in GCC, Clang, MSVC and more, even in older versions, is based on failed conversion of a function parameter from pointer to array to a scalar type. The compilers do print size of the array, so you can get the value from the output. Works both in C and C++ mode.

Example code to find out sizeof(long) (play with it online):

char checker(int);
char checkSizeOfInt[sizeof(long)]={checker(&checkSizeOfInt)};

Examples of relevant output:

  • GCC 4.4.7

<source>:1: note: expected 'int' but argument is of type 'char (*)[8]'

  • clang 3.0.0

<source>:1:6: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'char (*)[8]' to 'int' for 1st argument;

  • MSVC 19.14

<source>(2): warning C4047: 'function': 'int' differs in levels of indirection from 'char (*)[4]'

One more way (that actually works):

char __foo[sizeof(MyStruct) + 1] = {[sizeof(MyStruct)] = ""};

Works with old'ish gcc 5.x. Yields an error like this:

a.c:8:54: error: initializer element is not computable at load time
a.c:8:54: note: (near initialization for 'a[8]')

p.s. obviously, this one is (very) gcc specific. All other methods weren't working for me.

Quick and simple solution that worked for me (GCC):

(char[sizeof(long long)])"bla";

This results in an error message that reveals the size of long long:

ISO C++ forbids casting to an array type 'char [8]'