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What happens if I don't call fclose() in a C program?

Firstly, I'm aware that opening a file with fopen() and not closing it is horribly irresponsible, and bad form. This is just sheer curiosity, so please humour me :)

I know that if a C program opens a bunch of files and never closes any of them, eventually fopen() will start failing. Are there any other side effects that could cause problems outside the code itself? For instance, if I have a program that opens one file, and then exits without closing it, could that cause a problem for the person running the program? Would such a program leak anything (memory, file handles)? Could there be problems accessing that file again once the program had finished? What would happen if the program was run many times in succession?

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electrodruid Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 23:11


People also ask

Why do I need Fclose?

any file is i/o source, so similar to any source: after you worked with it, release it. fclose function is used for that reason, which allows a the file to be used by another manager/processer etc.

Why Fclose is important in C?

In the C Programming Language, the fclose function closes a stream pointed to by stream. The fclose function flushes any unwritten data in the stream's buffer.

Why do we need to close a file using fclose () at the end of the program?

It ensures that any pending writes that might be in a cache are completed and committed to the file, and also frees up memory that the operating system has been using to keep track of file information so that it can read and write to it efficiently, ensure that other programs don't try to write to it at the same time ( ...

What happens if we dont close a file?

If you write to a file without closing, the data won't make it to the target file. But after some surfing I got to know that Python automatically closes a file when the reference object of a file is reassigned to another file. It is a good practice to use the close() method to close a file.

2 Answers

As long as your program is running, if you keep opening files without closing them, the most likely result is that you will run out of file descriptors/handles available for your process, and attempting to open more files will fail eventually. On Windows, this can also prevent other processes from opening or deleting the files you have open, since by default, files are opened in an exclusive sharing mode that prevents other processes from opening them.

Once your program exits, the operating system will clean up after you. It will close any files you left open when it terminates your process, and perform any other cleanup that is necessary (e.g. if a file was marked delete-on-close, it will delete the file then; note that that sort of thing is platform-specific).

However, another issue to be careful of is buffered data. Most file streams buffer data in memory before writing it out to disk. If you're using FILE* streams from the stdio library, then there are two possibilities:

  1. Your program exited normally, either by calling the exit(3) function, or by returning from main (which implicitly calls exit(3)).
  2. Your program exited abnormally; this can be via calling abort(3) or _Exit(3), dying from a signal/exception, etc.

If your program exited normally, the C runtime will take care of flushing any buffered streams that were open. So, if you had buffered data written to a FILE* that wasn't flushed, it will be flushed on normal exit.

Conversely, if your program exited abnormally, any buffered data will not be flushed. The OS just says "oh dear me, you left a file descriptor open, I better close that for you" when the process terminates; it has no idea there's some random data lying somewhere in memory that the program intended to write to disk but did not. So be careful about that.

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Adam Rosenfield Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Adam Rosenfield

The C standard says that calling exit (or, equivalently, returning from main) causes all open FILE objects to be closed as-if by fclose. So this is perfectly fine, except that you forfeit the opportunity to detect write errors.

EDIT: There is no such guarantee for abnormal termination (abort, a failed assert, receipt of a signal whose default behavior is to abnormally terminate the program -- note that there aren't necessarily any such signals -- and other implementation-defined means). As others have said, modern operating systems will clean up all externally visible resources, such as open OS-level file handles, regardless; however, FILEs are likely not to be flushed in that case.

There certainly have been OSes that did not clean up externally visible resources on abnormal termination; it tends to go along with not enforcing hard privilege boundaries between "kernel" and "user" code and/or between distinct user space "processes", simply because if you don't have those boundaries it may not be possible to do so safely in all cases. (Consider, for instance, what happens if you write garbage over the open-file table in MS-DOS, as you are perfectly able to do.)

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zwol Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
