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How can I print each command before executing? [duplicate]



People also ask

How do you echo the output of a command?

The echo command writes text to standard output (stdout). The syntax of using the echo command is pretty straightforward: echo [OPTIONS] STRING... Some common usages of the echo command are piping shell variable to other commands, writing text to stdout in a shell script, and redirecting text to a file.

How do you echo a command in shell script?

echo command in linux is used to display line of text/string that are passed as an argument . This is a built in command that is mostly used in shell scripts and batch files to output status text to the screen or a file. In above example, text after \c is not printed and omitted trailing new line.

What does set Pipefail do?

If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands in the pipeline exit successfully. This option is disabled by default. Without pipefail , the return value of a pipeline is the exit status of the last command.

set -o xtrace


bash -x myscript.sh

This works with standard /bin/sh as well IIRC (it might be a POSIX thing then)

And remember, there is bashdb (bash Shell Debugger, release 4.0-0.4)

To revert to normal, exit the subshell or

set +o xtrace

The easiest way to do this is to let bash do it:

set -x

Or run it explicitly as bash -x myscript.

set -x is fine, but if you do something like:

set -x;
set +x;

it would result in printing

+ command
+ set +x;

You can use a subshell to prevent that such as:

(set -x; command)

which would just print the command.

set -x is fine.

Another way to print each executed command is to use trap with DEBUG. Put this line at the beginning of your script :

trap 'echo "# $BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG

You can find a lot of other trap usages here.