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How can I prefix ordered list item numbers with a static string using CSS?


I want this HTML:

<ol style="list-style:decimal;"> <li>Apples</li> <li>Oranges</li> </ol> 

to render like this:

Q1. Apples
Q2. Oranges

Ie, I want to prefix "Q" to each number.

I've tried CSS like this:

ol li::before {   content: "Q"; } 

but that renders like this:

1. QApples
2. QOranges

I've also tried using list-style: numbered inside;, but that just shifts the list to the right with the same results. I can't find any way to reference the numbers in order to style them with CSS. This seems like such a simple, common scenario, yet I can't find any way to accomplish it with straightforward CSS (without CSS counters, JavaScript, etc).

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Triynko Avatar asked Apr 06 '11 14:04


People also ask

How do I make a numbered list in CSS?

Ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. The list item starts with the <li> tag and will be marked as numbers, lowercase letters uppercase letters, roman letters, etc. The default numbers for list items. For creating an ordered list with numbers, use the <ol> tag attribute type.

2 Answers

The only pure CSS way is with counters:

ol {     counter-reset: item;     list-style-type: none; }  ol li:before {     content: 'Q' counter(item, decimal) '. ';     counter-increment: item; } 

You cannot achieve this besides using CSS counters (which were designed specifically for such use cases!) or JavaScript.

By the way, it's decimal, not numbered.

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BoltClock Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 14:11


There is a, fragile, non-counter method, but it's prone to breaking:

ol {     list-style-type: decimal;     margin: 0 0 0 2em; }  li {     position: relative; }  ol li:first-letter {     color: #f90;     float: left;     position: relative;     margin-left: -2em; } 

JS Fiddle demo.

like image 45
David Thomas Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

David Thomas