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Keeping dependency versions up to date in Leiningen projects


Is there a simple way to find out what versions of dependencies are available using Leiningen?

E.g., if I have a web app which depends on Hiccup and Compojure, how can I be sure that I'm on the latest version of each without going to the github page for each?

NOTE: I use Ant and Ivy for building my Java projects, so I have limited knowledge of Maven - so please spell out (or provide Fine Links for me to read) any Maven concepts that Leiningen exposes to me which would help with this (I know that under the hood, Leiningen uses Maven for dependency resolution). Ta.

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kittylyst Avatar asked Apr 17 '11 12:04


1 Answers

The Clojure ecosystem has evolved since the original answer was offered. At the present time, I would recommend using lein-ancient:

A Leiningen plugin to check your project for outdated dependencies and plugins. This plugin supersedes lein-outdated and uses metadata XML files in the different Maven repositories instead of a Lucene-based search index. Version comparison is done using version-clj.

Its precursor, lein-outdated, has this helpful message in its README: "lein-outdated is outdated". :)

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David J. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10

David J.