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How can I plant assembly instructions in the prologue and epilogue of function via gcc





I try to build profiler to some c project. I want that gcc plant some assembly instruction in all the function entries and function exit points in compile time. I try to search some guides in the web but without success. where can I learn how to do that?

thank in advance.

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user2066340 Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 09:02


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The prologue and epilogue are not a part of the assembly language itself; they represent a convention used by assembly language programmers, and compilers of many higher-level languages. They are fairly rigid, having the same form in each function. Function prologue and epilogue also sometimes contain code for buffer overflow protection .

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1 Answers

Apparently you can use the -finstrument-functions flag to get gcc to generate instrumentation calls

void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *func, void *callsite); 
void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *func, void *callsite); 

at function entry and exit. I've never used this, but a quick search brings up information and examples here, here, here and here.

like image 177
Michael Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
