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How can I parse dates with a suffix "th", "st" or "nd" on the day of the month?




I'm having trouble using DateTime.Parse

I'm handling a variety of formats of dates and some of which are of the formatJanuary 11th or February 22nd and so on.

DateTime.Parse throws an exception trying to parse these sort of dates.

I was wondering if there is a built in functionality in DateTime that I am missing, like a flag I can set that will make Parse behave in a more acceptable way.

I am aware that this is solvable with a relatively simple regular expression, moreover I already have a class that fuzzy matches dates that I wrote, however I would like to know if there is a built in way to perform this sort of extraction since it will more likely be easier to maintain in the long run than reinventing the wheel.

like image 481
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 12:01

Benjamin Gruenbaum

People also ask

How do you parse a date?

The parse() method takes a date string (such as "2011-10-10T14:48:00" ) and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. This function is useful for setting date values based on string values, for example in conjunction with the setTime() method and the Date object.

What is a date suffix?

You'll notice that each number has a corresponding ordinal number that ends in one of the following suffixes: –st, –nd, –rd, or –th.

What is date/time parse?

The Parse method tries to convert the string representation of a date and time value to its DateTime equivalent. It tries to parse the input string completely without throwing a FormatException exception.

1 Answers

I had similar problem here's better way

  stringdate="August 19th 2000" 
  string pattern = @"\b(\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th)\b";
  Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
  DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0:MMMM,  d, yyyy}", rgx.Replace(stringdate, "$1"))  
  **result**    {19/08/2000 00:00:00}   System.DateTime

From Microsoft and regex to remove ordinals and How can I visualize the way various DateTime formats will display?


If the year is not specified:

    stringdate= rgx.Replace(stringdate, "$1");
    DateTime datetime;
    if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(stringdate, "MMMM dd yyyy", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out datetime))
     // assuming no gap exist
     datetime = DateTime.Parse(stringdate += " "+DateTime.Now.Year);

Now if the input string text is "June 11th", it will be 11/6/2021.

There are More functions and ways to handle dates at DateTime Documentation.

If you dont want the year at all, then you can add the following line:


Now the output will be "11/6"

like image 175
ma1169 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
