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How can I open command line prompt from Sublime in windows7

I'v created a function in VIM named OpenCMD(), it used for open command line or terminal in VIM (And cd in the current file path)

func! OpenCMD()
    if has('win32')
        let com = '!cmd /c start cd '. expand('%:p:h')
        let com = '!/usr/bin/gnome-terminal --working-directory=' . expand('%:p:h')
    silent execute com
nmap cmd :call OpenCMD()

Now, I want to open command line and cd in the current file path in Sublime (sublime 3 beta). The function as the same as the OpenCMD().

And I searched an question in stackover flow: Sublime Text 2 - Open CMD prompt at current or project directory (Windows)

I did as the the first guy answered (Create cmd, cmd.py and Context.sublime-menu). But it cannot work, the cmd operation always disabled.


Is there any way can get it? Thanks in advance!

like image 751
Marslo Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 06:09


People also ask

How do I open Command Prompt in Windows 7?

Open Command Prompt in Windows 7Click the Windows Start Button. In the search box type cmd. In the search results, Right-Click on cmd and select Run as administrator (Figure 2). This will open the Command Prompt window (Figure 3).

How do I bring up the terminal in Sublime Text?

Type 'Terminus' and select it. Wait for it to Complete installation and Restart sublime text. And save it. Note: The above code is for Linux users for Windows users you have to enter “cmd.exe” in place of “bash”, also here we kept the shortcut key as “alt+1” you can use your own key.

How do I open the command window in Sublime Text?

Open any program file in the sublime editor and Right-click (context menu). You can see the Cmd menu in the Context menu options. Click on it. The command prompt will be opened through which you can compile and run your program.

3 Answers

The answer about Sublime Text 2 - Open CMD prompt at current or project directory (Windows) is nearly correct.

Only one step (for me) has to be changed is the file name should be uppercase. Use CMD instead of cmd.

My steps (Win7):

  • Open folder %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages or just click Preferences -> Browser Packages.. in sublime-text-3 Beta
  • Create a folder named CMD (Uppercase). The path of CMD should be %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\CMD.
  • Open the folder CMD, and create a file, named cmd.py (lowercase), paste the context as below:
import os, sublime_plugin
class CmdCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        command= "cd "+current_directory+" & "+current_driver+" & start cmd"
  • Create a file (again), named Context.sublime-menu. Add context as below:
     { "command": "cmd" }
  • The Cmd function will work in context menu (right-click). For example: Open_cmd_in_Sublime

Of cause, if you want to open command line by command (by 'cmd' for example), you can add the following context into Default (Windows).sublime-keymap file. :

{ "keys": ["c", "m", "d"], "command": "cmd"}

You can open it from Preferences -> Key Bindings - User

like image 55
Marslo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09


You can install Terminal package in Sublime text 3 using the following steps.

  1. Click on Package Control in Preferences.
  2. Select Install Package.
  3. Search "Terminal" in the packages list then install it.

Now when you right click on a file or folder you will see Open Terminal Here option

like image 29
Ali Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09


For Windows i replace the command with:

command= "cmd /K cd "+current_directory
like image 28
Oleg alex Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09

Oleg alex