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How can I multiply a n*m DataFrame with a 1*m DataFrame in pandas?

I have 2 pandas DataFrame that I want to multiply:

   Score1  Score2
0     100      80
1    -150      20
2    -110      70
3     180      99
4     125      20

   Score1  Score2
0     0.6     0.4

I tried:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

frame_score = pd.DataFrame({'Score1'  : [100, -150, -110, 180, 125], 
                      'Score2'  : [80,  20, 70, 99, 20]})

frame_weights = pd.DataFrame({'Score1': [0.6], 'Score2' : [0.4]})

print('frame_score: \n{0}'.format(frame_score))
print('\nframe_weights: \n{0}'.format(frame_weights))

# Each of the following alternatives yields the same results
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.mul(frame_weights, axis=0)
frame_score_weighted = frame_score * frame_weights
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.multiply(frame_weights, axis=1)

print('\nframe_score_weighted: \n{0}'.format(frame_score_weighted))


    Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1     NaN     NaN
2     NaN     NaN
3     NaN     NaN
4     NaN     NaN

The rows 1 to 4 are NaN. How can I avoid that? For example, row 1 should be -90 8 (-90=-150*0.6; 8=20*0.4).

For example, Numpy may broadcast to match dimensions.

like image 278
Franck Dernoncourt Avatar asked Jul 31 '17 17:07

Franck Dernoncourt

People also ask

How do you multiply a data frame by another DataFrame?

The mul() method of DataFrame object multiplies the elements of a DataFrame object with another DataFrame object, series or any other Python sequence. mul() does an elementwise multiplication of a DataFrame with another DataFrame, a pandas Series or a Python Sequence.

How do you multiply a DataFrame in Python?

mul() function return multiplication of dataframe and other element- wise. This function essentially does the same thing as the dataframe * other, but it provides an additional support to handle missing values in one of the inputs.

How do you multiply two series in pandas?

Multiplying of two pandas. Series objects can be done through applying the multiplication operator “*” as well. Through mul() method, handling None values in the data is possible by replacing them with a default value using the parameter fill_value.

How do pandas multiply values?

multiply() function perform the multiplication of series and other, element-wise. The operation is equivalent to series * other , but with support to substitute a fill_value for missing data in one of the inputs.

2 Answers

Edit: for arbitrary dimension, try using values to manipulate the values of the dataframes in an array-like fashion:

# element-wise multiplication
frame_score_weighted = frame_score.values*frame_weights.values

# change to pandas dataframe and rename columns
frame_score_weighted = pd.DataFrame(data=frame_score_weighted, columns=['Score1','Score2'])

   Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1   -90.0     8.0
2   -66.0    28.0
3   108.0    39.6
4    75.0     8.0

Just use some additional indexing to make sure you extract the desired weights as a scalar when you do the multiplication.

frame_score['Score1'] = frame_score['Score1']*frame_weights['Score1'][0]
frame_score['Score2'] = frame_score['Score2']*frame_weights['Score2'][0]

   Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1   -90.0     8.0
2   -66.0    28.0
3   108.0    39.6
4    75.0     8.0
like image 171
hausdork Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


By default, when pd.DataFrame is multiplied by a pd.Series, pandas aligns the index of the pd.Series with the columns of the pd.DataFrame. So, we get the relevant pd.Series from frame_weights by accessing just the first row.

frame_score * frame_weights.loc[0]

   Score1  Score2
0    60.0    32.0
1   -90.0     8.0
2   -66.0    28.0
3   108.0    39.6
4    75.0     8.0

You can edit frame_score in place with

frame_score *= frame_weights.loc[0]
like image 2
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
