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How can I move the cursor to the end of the text (Delphi)?

This is my code to fill a TextBox using the SendMessage function:

  C := 'Hey there';
  SendMessage(h1, WM_SETTEXT, 1, Integer(PChar(C)));

Now, how can I move the cursor to the end of the text?

like image 935
Kermia Avatar asked Oct 08 '10 03:10


2 Answers

If you really want to do this with messages take a look at:


Also there you have the complete reference for edit:


In code (no messages) you would do something like this:

Edit1.SelLength := 0;
Edit1.SelStart := 0;   // set caret before first character
Edit1.SelStart := 1;   // set caret before second character
Edit1.SelStart := Length(Edit1.Text) // set caret after the last character

With messages:

SendMessage(h1, EM_SETSEL, Length(C), Length(C));
like image 189
Runner Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11


I think your code is wrong . you have to using "EM_SETSEL" parameter . my problem solved with this code :

  //Set a value for external textbox
  SendMessage(h1, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Integer(PChar(C)));
  //move the cursor to end of the textbox(editbox,field,...)
  SendMessage(h1, EM_SETSEL, length(C), length(C));

Thank you , anyway :)

like image 37
Kermia Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 18:11
