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How can I map ":vsplit ." to <F7> in Vim?



I'd like to create a mapping for :vsplit ..

I tried adding this to .vimrc...

nmap <F7> verticalsplit .

However, when I hit <F7> it goes into insert mode and inserts "calsplit .tttt". (Why "tttt"?)

like image 997
Ethan Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 00:01


1 Answers

Just put a : before it and a <CR> after.

nmap <F7> :vsplit .<CR>

nmap starts in normal mode so you have to give it exactly what you'd type.

You get "tttt" because your mapping was typing v (to go into Visual mode), e (jump to the end of a word), r (go into replace-mode), t (type a t and replace whatever is visually selected with ts).

like image 183
Brian Carper Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 04:01

Brian Carper