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How can I make py.test tests accept interactive input?




I'm using py.test for a somewhat unconventional application. Basically, I want to have user interaction in a test via print() and input() (this is Python 3.5). The ultimate goal is to have semi-automated testing for hardware and multi-layered software which cannot be automatically tested even in principle. Some test cases will ask the testing technician to do something (to be confirmed by enter or press any key or similar on the console) or ask them to take a simple measurement or visually confirm something (to be entered on the console).

Example of what I (naively) want to do:

def test_thingie():
    print('Testing the thingie.')
    # Ask the testing technician to enter info, or confirm that he has set things up physically
    x = int(input('Technician: How many *RED* widgets are on the thingie? Enter integer:')) 
    assert x == the_correct_number

This works with when the test file is called with pytest -s to prevent stdin and stdout capturing, but the documented means (with capsys.disabled()) in the py.test documentation don't work since they only affect stdout and stderr.

What's a good way to make this work using code in the py.test module, no command line options, and ideally per-test?

The platform, for what it's worth, is Windows and I'd prefer not to have this clobber or get clobbered by the wrapping of stdin/out/whatever that results from nested shells, uncommon shells, etc.

like image 361
ikrase Avatar asked Dec 17 '16 00:12


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1 Answers

no command line options

Use pytest.ini option or env variable to avoid using command line option every time.

ideally per-test?

Use function scoped fixture to take user input. Example code:

# contents of conftest.py
import pytest
def take_input(request):
    val = input(request.param)
    return val

#Content of test_input.py
import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize('prompt',('Enter value here:'), indirect=True)
def test_input(take_input):
    assert take_input == "expected string"
like image 80
SilentGuy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
