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How can I make my match non greedy in vim?

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What makes a search non-greedy?

To make the quantifier non-greedy you simply follow it with a '?' the first 3 characters and then the following 'ab' is matched. greedy by appending a '?' symbol to them: *?, +?, ??, {n,m}?, and {n,}?.

What is greedy match and non-greedy match?

It means the greedy quantifiers will match their preceding elements as much as possible to return to the biggest match possible. On the other hand, the non-greedy quantifiers will match as little as possible to return the smallest match possible. non-greedy quantifiers are the opposite of greedy ones.

Is regex matching greedy?

The standard quantifiers in regular expressions are greedy, meaning they match as much as they can, only giving back as necessary to match the remainder of the regex. By using a lazy quantifier, the expression tries the minimal match first.

How do I match a pattern in Vim?

In normal mode, press / to start a search, then type the pattern ( \<i\> ), then press Enter. If you have an example of the word you want to find on screen, you do not need to enter a search pattern. Simply move the cursor anywhere within the word, then press * to search for the next occurrence of that whole word.

Instead of .* use .\{-}.


Also, see :help non-greedy

Non greedy search in vim is done using {-} operator. Like this:


just try:

:help non-greedy

What's wrong with


If you're more comfortable PCRE regex syntax, which

  1. supports the non-greedy operator ?, as you asked in OP; and
  2. doesn't require backwhacking grouping and cardinality operators (an utterly counterintuitive vim syntax requirement since you're not matching literal characters but specifying operators); and
  3. you have [g]vim compiled with perl feature, test using

    :ver and inspect features; if +perl is there you're good to go)

try search/replace using

:perldo s///

Example. Swap src and alt attributes in img tag:

<p class="logo"><a href="/"><img src="/caminoglobal_en/includes/themes/camino/images/header_logo.png" alt=""></a></p>

:perldo s/(src=".*?")\s+(alt=".*?")/$2 $1/

<p class="logo"><a href="/"><img alt="" src="/caminoglobal_en/includes/themes/camino/images/header_logo.png"></a></p>