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How can I look through my camera in the Scene view in Unity?



Without going to game view. Is this even possible?

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Iain Avatar asked May 18 '09 12:05


People also ask

How do I look around a scene in unity?

Use Flythrough mode to navigate the Scene View by flying around in first-person, similar to how you would navigate in many games. Click and hold the right mouse button. Move the view around using the mouse, the WASD keys to move left/right/forward/backward, and the Q and E keys to move up and down.

How do you zoom out in scene view in unity?

Zoom: Hold Alt and right click-drag to zoom the Scene View. On Mac you can also hold Control and click-drag instead. Holding down Shift will increase the rate of movement and zooming.

1 Answers

Actually, it's GameObject Menu->Align View To Selected.

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Ben Throop Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09

Ben Throop