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How can I load model to helper?


How can I load model to helper? I need to load it outside of functions, but use them in functions.

like image 897
ram4nd Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 17:03


People also ask

How do I load a helper model?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. You could get a reference to the controller object and access the model through that. Another option is to pass the model in when calling the helper function.

How do you load a model controller?

Syntax (call model method) – Create a User. php file in application/controllers directory. Load above created Main_model using $this->load->model('Main_model') method in the __construct() method and call getUsers() method using $this->Main_model->getUsers() . Store the return response in a $data variable.

How can you load multiple helper files?

Approach 1 (Invoking them in controller files): In order to load multiple helper files in the PHP working environment, we can specify them in an array as components where each of the components corresponds to a helper name.

How do you use the helper in CI 4?

CodeIgniter does not load Helper Files by default, so the first step in using a Helper is to load it. Once loaded, it becomes globally available in your controller and views. Helpers are typically stored in your system/Helpers, or app/Helpers directory. CodeIgniter will look first in your app/Helpers directory.

1 Answers

You could get a reference to the controller object and access the model through that.

function my_helper() {     // Get a reference to the controller object     $CI = get_instance();      // You may need to load the model if it hasn't been pre-loaded     $CI->load->model('my_model');      // Call a function of the model     $CI->my_model->do_something(); } 

Another option is to pass the model in when calling the helper function.

function my_helper($my_model) {     $my_model->do_something(); }  function my_controller_action() {     // Call the helper function, passing in the model     my_helper($this->my_model); } 
like image 186
Stephen Curran Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Stephen Curran