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How can I let users visit amazon s3 html/javascript pages through my custom domain?

I have a pyramid/python application with a page at www.domain.com that creates html pages at s3.amazonaws.com/testbucket/object_name. Right now in this test bucket, I also have javascript files that each object(html page) utilizes. I want it so that users can go to subdomain.domain.com/object_name and see the files with the javascript enabled. I have cname'd subdomain.domain.com (the name of my bucket) to s3.amazonaws.com. (with that last period at the end). Right now I have two problems (I am far more concerned with the second one)

1). When I try and access the url via https://subdomain.domain.com/object_name I get a security error (I assume this is because it is redirecting to an amazon s3 bucket. How can I get an ssl certificate for my bucket?

2) When I try and access the url via http://subdomain.domain.com/object_name, there is no secutiry error (not https) but the javascript isn't enabled. How can I make sure that those jacvascript files on the s3 bucket still work?

Edit: upon looking at the developer tools, I see the error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) referring to the javascript file. Why would this file be forbidden when I have made it public in the bucket?

like image 475
BigBoy1337 Avatar asked Mar 11 '13 17:03


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Can you host dynamic websites on S3 what about Static websites?

You can use Amazon S3 to host a static website. On a static website, individual webpages include static content. They might also contain client-side scripts. By contrast, a dynamic website relies on server-side processing, including server-side scripts, such as PHP, JSP, or ASP.NET.

What access do you need to provide on your Amazon S3 bucket for website access?

When you configure a bucket as a static website, if you want your website to be public, you can grant public read access. To make your bucket publicly readable, you must disable block public access settings for the bucket and write a bucket policy that grants public read access.

1 Answers

S3 does not allow you to configure your own SSL certificates for buckets - this is an inherit "problem" with the way S3 is designed and distributed across servers - Amazon provides their own certificate for use with S3, no configuration required.

However, and this is very important - you cannot use SSL over CNAME, period. If you want to use your pretty domain name with SSL using S3 you're out of luck. Its just a S3 quirk we have to live with. (https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=60502).

In summary, if you want SSL, you must use the full S3 bucket path.

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ytanay Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
