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How to profile QtScript Code?

I know there are tools to profile pure javascript code like firebug and Chrome's Developer Tools, but I want to know if there are any good tools for profiling QTScript. Or how can I use these tools to profile QtScript code.

The use case for this is when there is a Desktop app whose most of the code is written in JavaScript with some code written in native QT/C++. In that scenario if someone wants to profile the the performance, what are some tools that can automate the profiling.

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Aamir Abro Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 12:02

Aamir Abro

2 Answers

There are not many tools designed primarily for profiling QtScript.

But there is one QscriptProfiler by Benjamin Meyer, I haven't used it personally but looks promising.

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user3328917 Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 15:11


I wrote a small QScriptEngineAgent that does the job for me. See my answer in QScriptEngineAgent - obtaining callee name.



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Johannes Munk Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 16:11

Johannes Munk