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How can I know if page is closed in Puppeteer

I need to do some movements on page while page exists (or is opened). But other async code can close it in any time. I try to use code, like this:

      function(){ /*TEST function: return true if page is opened or false otherwise*/},
      function (cb){
                await page.evaluate(_=>{/*some code*/})

How can I know, if page is opened or closed, to pass this code to the test function?

like image 915
Aleksander A Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 13:12

Aleksander A

1 Answers


You can use page.isClosed() to detect whether a page is closed in Puppeteer:

if (page.isClosed()) {
  // The page IS closed ...
} else {
  // The page IS NOT closed ...
like image 63
Grant Miller Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 13:01

Grant Miller