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How can I just get the last record in the java.util.List using subList() or any other method?



Say I have a list of elements whose size is 100. Now I only want the 100th record in the list and the rest of all records from 1-99 should be removed from the list.

I have tried the below piece of code but no change in list size as I see it.
//Output list.size() returns 100

list.subList(list.size()-1, list.size()); 

//Output list.size() returns 100 after subList() called...
How can I get just the last record in the java.util.List using subList() or using any other methods available in Java?

like image 965
mannedear Avatar asked Dec 06 '17 12:12


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1 Answers

list.subList returns a new List backed by the original List.

You need to store the returned list in a variable in order to use it:

List<String> subList = list.subList(list.size()-1, list.size());

subList.size() will be 1. list will remain unchanged.

If you want to remove all but the last element from the original List, you can write:

list.subList(0, list.size()-1).clear();

Now the original List will contain just 1 element.

like image 57
Eran Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
