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How can I increase the font size in Xcode for swift [duplicate]



I am brand new to swift and Xcode and about to start a iOS learning module.

Problem: I am struggling to find the setting for font size in the Xcode playground.

Question: How can I increase the font size.

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Chris Dormani Avatar asked Apr 11 '16 11:04

Chris Dormani

People also ask

How do I increase text size in Swift?

To change the font or the size of a UILabel in a Storyboard or . XIB file, open it in the interface builder. Select the label and then open up the Attribute Inspector (CMD + Option + 5). Select the button on the font box and then you can change your text size or font.

Which option is used to increase the font size?

To increase the font size, press Ctrl + ] . (Press and hold the Ctrl , then press the right bracket key.) To decrease the font size, press Ctrl + [ . (Press and hold the Ctrl , then press the left bracket key.)

1 Answers

go to the top left of your screen while in xcode.

Go Xcode -> Preferences -> Fonts & Colours. Highlight all the words in the big center box.

The click on the "T" icon (Text) just below.

Select your size and you're sorted!

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Andrew Wormald Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

Andrew Wormald