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How can I include package_data without a MANIFEST.in file?

How can I include package_data for sdist without a MANIFEST.in file?

My setup.py looks like this:

import setuptools  setuptools.setup(     name='foo',     version='2015.3',     license='commercial',     packages=setuptools.find_packages(),      package_data={'': ['foo/bar.txt']}, ) 


user@host> python Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)  >>> import setuptools >>> setuptools.version.__version__ '3.6' 

I just can't get foo/bar.txt included.

Or is this blog post still true? http://blog.codekills.net/2011/07/15/lies,-more-lies-and-python-packaging-documentation-on--package_data-/

Over the last hour, though, I've learned that these statements are somewhere between “dangerously misleading” and “damn lies”. This is because the primary type of Python package is a source package, and the canonical method for creating a source package is by using setup.py sdist. However, the data specified in package_data are not included in source distributions — they are only included in binary (setup.py bdist) distributions and installs (setup.py install).

How can I include package_data for sdist without a MANIFEST.in file?

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guettli Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 16:03


People also ask

What is Package_data in setup py?

package_data. By default, include_package_data considers all non .py files found inside the package directory ( src/mypkg in this case) as data files, and includes those that satisfy (at least) one of the above two conditions into the source distribution, and consequently in the installation of your package.

What is manifest in file Python?

A MANIFEST.in file consists of commands, one per line, instructing setuptools to add or remove some set of files from the sdist.

Where do I put PY typed?

As mentioned before, You need to add the py. typed in the package folder of the module. You also need to add that file to the setup.py package_data - otherwise the file would not be part of the package when You deploy it.

1 Answers

TL;DR: The keys in the package_data dictionaries are packages; the values are lists of globs. '' is not a valid name for any Python package.

If you want to have bar.txt be installed next to the __init__.py of package foo, use

 package_data={'foo': ['bar.txt']} 

I have the layout:

foo/         __init__.py         bar.txt setup.py 

Now, if foo is a package like above, do:

import setuptools  setuptools.setup(     name='foo',     version='2015.3',     license='commercial',     packages=setuptools.find_packages(),     package_data={'foo': ['bar.txt']}, ) 

And after python setup.py sdist, I check the contents of dist/foo-2015.3.tar.gz

% tar tfz dist/foo-2015.3.tar.gz ... foo-2015.3/foo/bar.txt ... 

However, if I run your setup.py with package_data={'': ['foo/bar.txt']}, I can concur that the foo/bar.txt will not be added to the source distribution, except if the foo-2015.3.egg-info/SOURCES.txt already has the line for foo/bar.txt - in that case the file will pop up in the source distribution too

No manifest was used; the setuptools version was 3.6 (I deliberately installed the same, old version that you were using):

>>> import setuptools >>> setuptools.__version__ '3.6' 

The behaviour above also works in standard distutils: 2.6 Installing package data of the "legacy" distutils documentation; with a comment for 2.7, 3.1:

Changed in version [2.7, 3.1]: All the files that match package_data will be added to the MANIFEST file if no template is provided.

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