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How can I have a constrained Finite State Machine in Haskell / Idris?

EDIT: Users @apocalisp and @BenjaminHodgson left awesome answers below, skip reading most of the question and jump to their answers.

TLDR of the Question: How can I go from the first picture, where FSM states combinatorial explode, to the second picture, where you're just required to visit all of them before moving on.

I would like to build a Finite State Machine (in Haskell really, but I'm trying Idris first to see if it can guide my Haskell) where there are some interim states that must be visited before a final state can be reached. It'd be great if I could arbitrarily constrain the FSM with predicates on some state.

In the following picture, there's an Initial state, 3 interim states A, B, C, and a Final state. If I'm not mistaken, in a "normal" FSM, you will always need n! interim states to represent each combination of possible paths.

A combinatorial Explosion

This is undesirable.

Instead, using Type Families, and maybe Dependent types, I think it should be possible to have a sort of state that is carried around, and only when it passes certain predicates will you be allowed to travel to the final state. (Does that make it Push Down Automata instead of FSM?)

Constrained Finite State Machine

My code so far (idris), which by analogy, is adding ingredients to make a salad, and the order doesn't matter, but they all need to make it in:

data SaladState = Initial | AddingIngredients | ReadyToEat

record SaladBowl where
       constructor MkSaladBowl
       lettuce, tomato, cucumber : Bool

data HasIngredient : (ingredient : SaladBowl -> Bool) -> (bowl : SaladBowl ** ingredient bowl = True) -> Type where
     Bowl : HasIngredient ingredient bowl

data HasIngredients : (ingredients : List (SaladBowl -> Bool))
                     -> (bowl : SaladBowl ** (foldl (&&) True (map (\i => i bowl) ingredients) = True)) 
                     -> Type where
     Bowlx : HasIngredients ingredients bowl

data SaladAction : (ty : Type) -> SaladState -> (ty -> SaladState) -> Type where
     GetBowl     : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const Initial)
     AddLettuce  : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient lettuce bowl)  st (const AddingIngredients)
     AddTomato   : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient tomato bowl)   st (const AddingIngredients)
     AddCucumber : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** HasIngredient cucumber bowl) st (const AddingIngredients)
     MixItUp     : SaladBowl -> SaladAction (bowl ** (HasIngredients [lettuce, tomato, cucumber] bowl)) AddingIngredients (const ReadyToEat)
     Pure : (res : ty) -> SaladAction ty (state_fn res) state_fn
     (>>=) : SaladAction a state1 state2_fn
           -> ((res : a) -> SaladAction b (state2_fn res) state3_fn)
           -> SaladAction b state1 state3_fn

emptyBowl : SaladBowl
emptyBowl = MkSaladBowl False False False

prepSalad1 : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
prepSalad1 = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b2 ** _) <- AddLettuce b1
           (b3 ** _) <- AddCucumber b2
           MixItUp b3

And counter example programs that the compiler should error on:

BAD : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
BAD = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b2 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           (b3 ** _) <- AddLettuce b2
           (b4 ** _) <- AddCucumber b3
           MixItUp b4

BAD' : SaladAction SaladBowl Initial (const ReadyToEat)
BAD' = do
           (b1 ** _) <- AddTomato emptyBowl
           MixItUp b1

I eventually want the "ingredients" to be Sums instead of Bools (data Lettuce = Romaine | Iceberg | Butterhead), and more robust semantics where I can say things like "you must first add lettuce, or spinach, but not both".

Really, I feel so quite thoroughly lost, that I imagine my above code has gone in the completely wrong direction... How can I build this FSM (PDA?) to preclude bad programs? I'd especially like to use Haskell for it, perhaps using Indexed Monads?

like image 547
Josh.F Avatar asked Dec 05 '17 18:12


1 Answers

The indexed state monad does exactly this.

The regular State s monad models a state machine (a Mealy machine, specifically) whose state alphabet is the type s. This data type is really just a function:

newtype State s a = State { run :: s -> (a, s) }

A function of type a -> State s b is a machine with input alphabet a and output alphabet b. But it's really just a function of type (a, s) -> (b, s).

Lining up the input type of one machine and output type of another machine, we can compose two machines:

(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
m >>= f = State (\s1 -> let (a, s2) = run m s1 in run (f a) s2)  

In other words, State s is a monad.

But sometimes (as in your case), we need the type of the intermediate states to vary. This is where the indexed state monad comes in. It has two state alphabets. IxState i j a models a machine whose start state must be in i and end state will be in j:

newtype IxState i j a = IxState { run :: i -> (a, j) }

The regular State s monad is then equivalent to IxState s s. We can compose IxState as easily as State. The implementation is the same as before, but the type signature is more general:

(>>>=) :: IxState i j a -> (a -> IxState j k b) -> IxState i k b
m >>>= f = IxState (\s1 -> let (a, s2) = run m s1 in run (f a) s2)  

IxState is not exactly a monad, but an indexed monad.

We now just need a way of specifying constraints on the type of our state. For the salad example, we want something like this:

mix :: IxState (Salad r) Ready ()

This is a machine whose input state is some incomplete Salad consisting of ingredients r, and whose output state is Ready indicating that our salad is ready to eat.

Using type-level lists, we could say this:

data Salad xs = Salad
data Ready = Ready
data Lettuce
data Cucumber
data Tomato

The empty salad has an empty list of ingredients.

emptyBowl :: IxState x (Salad '[]) ()
emptyBowl = iput Salad

We can add Lettuce to any Salad:

addLettuce :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Lettuce ': r)) ()
addLettuce = iput Salad

And we can repeat the same for Tomato and Cucumber.

Now the type of mix just needs to be:

mix :: IxState (Salad '[Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato]) Ready ()
mix = const Ready

We'll get a type error if we try to mix any salad that we haven't added Lettuce, Cucumber, and Tomato to, in that order. E.g. this will be a type error:

emptyBowl >>>= \_ -> addLettuce >>>= \_ -> mix

But ideally we'd like to be able to add the ingredients in any order. So we need a constraint on our type-level list asking for evidence that a particular ingredient is somewhere in our salad:

class Elem xs x

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem (x ': xs) x
instance Elem xs x => Elem (y ': xs) x

Elem xs x is now evidence that the type x is in the type-level list xs. The first instance (the base case) says that x is obviously an element of x ': xs. The second instance says that if the type x is an element of xs, then it's also an element of y ': xs for any type y. OVERLAPS is necessary to make sure Haskell knows to check the base case first.

Here's the complete listing:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import Control.Monad.Indexed
import Control.Monad.Indexed.State

data Lettuce
data Tomato
data Cucumber

data Ready = Ready

class Elem xs x

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Elem (x ': xs) x
instance Elem xs x => Elem (y ': xs) x

data Salad xs = Salad

emptyBowl :: IxState x (Salad '[]) ()
emptyBowl = iput Salad

addLettuce :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Lettuce ': r)) ()
addLettuce = iput Salad

addTomato :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Tomato ': r)) ()
addTomato = iput Salad

addCucumber :: IxState (Salad r) (Salad (Cucumber ': r)) ()
addCucumber = iput Salad

mix :: (Elem r Lettuce, Elem r Tomato, Elem r Cucumber)
    => IxState (Salad r) Ready ()
mix = imodify mix'
  where mix' = const Ready

x >>> y = x >>>= const y

-- Compiles
test = emptyBowl >>> addLettuce >>> addTomato >>> addCucumber >>> mix

-- Fails with a compile-time type error
fail = emptyBowl >>> addTomato >>> mix
like image 105
Apocalisp Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11
